Monday, August 3, 2015

Today's Progress on Draenor Pathfinder Part 5

Today's Progress on Draenor Pathfinder Part 5

There's a lot to report on, so let's get right to the progress on Draenor Pathfinder.

Voljin's Headhunters:    Honored, 2200/12000 to Revered (4 dailies completed)

Securing Draenor: Six of 12 Assaults are now complete, including Iron Siegeworks and Magnarak. Jocy downed her second level 100 elite and then tried to take down two at the same time. That didn't turn out so well, but she got some good exercise. During Jocy's four dailies over the weekend (1000 rep) she picked up four baleful gear, but none were as good as what she already has (although they have potential for upgrades). Still, its more junk crowding her closet to make ensembles in the garment competition between her and Fist.

Speaking of that competition, Fist claims that Jocy's Spooky Scythe look is suffocating and silly. She shows off her first entry at the bottom of the post, calling it Blood Nailed Aurora (note her red painted toes and visible midriff).

That takes care of the important stuff. Jocy now has an announcement. "I HATE the Alchemy profession, and herbs give me hives and makes me sneeze. Why I agreed to take over the flower business from Jezzibel I'll never know."

Jocy pleads with JB. "JB! PLEASE take it back!" Jocy sneezes violently and rubs snot from her nose. "This may be a big mistake, but I want to unlearn alchemy and learn mining and Blacksmithing, even though I'll lose my alchemy trinket."

The usually reticent Tiphaine (formerly known as Naithipe) surprised everyone by weighing in on the issue from distant Dalaran. Tiphaine, a blacksmith herself, hearing that Jocy was considering the art of blacksmithing, sent encouragement and an offer to help out. Tiphaine's wild daughter, Fist, took a far different path growing up than the harsh road Tiphaine trod, but Fist still has the stubbornness and determination of her mother. The offer of help to Jocy only made the competition between the two girls all the more intense.

Red Nailed Aurora

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