Monday, September 16, 2019

The Heart Forge Responds

The Heart Forge Responds in Big Way

Wildswench was in Nazjatar plugging along, killing bad guys and trying not to die too many times. She wanted a break, so she decided to make a trip to Silithus. Wench makes these trips in between doing other things, hoping each time that she might learn something new or gain some new talent or something else useful.

Wench entered the Heart Forge and clicked on it and as always nothing happened. Except that this time something DID happen. The two items that Wench has never been able to apply to the Heart now accepted the two items she had been holding on to all this time. So now, instead of just one Power, she has three (ie, her original one and the two that she's being carrying around).

Wildswench now has a significant upgrade:

Heart of Azeroth Neck i445
AP Level 56 plus 40%
Gearscore is i390 (the gear upgrade was a shoulder piece of i405 to i420 !

Update !! Wildswench Raises the Bar Again

The New Level is:
Heart of Azeroth Neck i447 
AP Level 57 plus 4%
Gearscore remains at i390

BUT Wait! Wench has another update - Her Gearscore has risen to i391! She got the upgrade by raising her Waist gear piece from i385 to i410.

The New Level is:
Heart of Azeroth Neck i447 
AP Level 57 plus 37%
Gearscore rises to i391

Wench has been doing pretty well with her improving gear, but she was still impatient. So Wildswench decided to take a bigger step. She decided to take on the entire continent of Vul Dun. She sliced arcross the continent, slaughtering the poor alliance and leaving behind the dead. She had to complete all four major segments. Here is the new results:

The New Level is:
Heart of Azeroth Neck i447 
AP Level 57 plus 72%
Gearscore rises to i393 !! by earning an i415 pair of gloves.

Wench is anxious to see if she might get a benthic piece of gear once she gets back to NazJatar. What a great day for the Horde!

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