Fishing in Battle For Azeroth
In summary, it's boring. In some ways that is a good thing. Fishing poles no longer have to be equipped to be used, all that's needed is the pole is in your bag. That saves time and fishermen no longer have to go into combat mode when fishing. That said, the types of fish are boring and there is no new pole to go after.
Wench has been tinkering with the idea of earning the Underlight Angler, the best fishing pole of all time. Mahakeya was the first - and so far the only family member to earn that masterful fishing pole. On the positive side, all the work is done in Aszuna and she can fly there (I think Wench can fly there - yes, she can) , but even so it took Keya hundreds of hours to earn it. So the Underlight Angler is available if she wants to go after it.
Oh, and Wench has now paid for the gear upgrade she got (earned by fishing) and is now back at 101,000 gold of her own money and is not beholden to Happyface. And then she bought two hexweave bags and is back to only 50k gold again.
Gear Update: Gear 343. AP 34 plus 30%
What Replaces Dungeons and Raids - Note, this post is for those of us who will never see the inside of a raid or dungeon. In a word, it's GOLD. Wildswench seems to be one of the few "I don't Raid" who understand that the only way to progress is to build up enough gold to purchase the items you specifically want. The advantage is that you get exactly what you want instead accepting what some random component drops that may or may not be worth anything. Too many players shun the idea of buying gear. For Wench, it's just business. Time will tell if Wench's approach is a sound one.
Darkshore Flying
Wench returned to Darkshore determined to get a hold in those wet, messy forests. She could already fly in the Highlands, and she quickly learned that she could fly in Darkshore as well. With flight available, Wench powered her way through quests and the occasional elites.
Happy with her progress, she broke her silence with Wildshard and asked him to compare gear progress.
Wench : Gear 317, LvL 23 plus 16%
Wild : Gear 353, Lvl 35 plus 17%
Even with the help in quests at Darkshore, Wench is still a long way from catching Wildshard.
Darkshore Flying? Not so fast. It seems that flying in Darkshore isn't always available. Her latest foray would not allow flying. Wench was annoyed at first. However, as her skills improve she has less need to use flying as a crutch. So, her latest conquests have raised her powers again: Gear Lvl 331, AP 26 plus 59%.
PS - Wench has not been able to fly in Darkshore since that first time. She has joined Darkshore assaults three times so far and has next to nothing to show for it. The process is to sign up for Darkshore and when enough players show up, a raid is established and a leader assigned. All of this is normal. However, Wench seems to have a problem keeping track of what is going on. When the battle begins everyone is going in the same direction, but almost immediately the group seems to scatter. Wench can see on her map where groups are but try as she can she never manages to get the location of the battle. This latest attempt was the worst yet. There was a full cadre of players - the only player who was not at the raid was Wench. Embarrassing. She kept riding in the direction of the rest of the group but that direction moved and spread constantly. She never got to the battle.
Latest Gear score: 347, AP 36 plus 93%
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