Monday, December 3, 2018

Market Price Fixing and a Change of Subject

Market Price Fixing and a
Change of Subject

Marketeers Gloras and Sincow have effectively cornered the market on a wide swath of goods. Chaitee and Sista have been fighting a losing battle against the two behemoths. They are determined to continue the fight despite the heavy odd against them.

Silkweave Satchel - (24 slot) - 300 gold.

The latest assault from the Marketeers is Silkweave satchel, maintaining control of a 300 gold price for the bag, and watched with glee as the cost of mats to make the bags reach new highs. The price for shal dorei silk is now at 5 gold on the auction house, well above the cost to make the bags. So the Marketeers hold the monopoly.

Embersilk Bags (22 slot) - price varies depending on availability and price of other bags.

Sista has a small foothold on this decent seller with 22 slots. Farming mats are easy (Twilight Highlands farming) but there's a twist. Hypnotic Dust is required, which uses - guess what - embersilk. So half of the mats farmed must go to making hypnotic dust first. The result is that only limited amounts embersilk bags can be produced in quantity and are subject to large swings in price.

Frostweave Bags (20 slot) - The cheapest of general bags, they are easy to farm at Naxramas. Sista, Wildshard, and Atkar can farm it once a week. The pricing of frostweave depends largely on the big sellers. For some weeks Sista has held on to a 220 gold price for the bags. That changed this morning when Gloras/Sincow suddenly dropped the price to 150 gold to chase off other bidders. They'll accept the temporary losses until the thinning competition fades away and will then pump the price back up for their advantage. So - Chaitee will not be selling frostweave bags until the prices go back up. Sigh.

Hexweave Bags (30 slot) - Crafted over a period of days, the price for these have been relentlessly falling since new bags came out. The price has recently dropped below 1,000 gold and will likely stay around the price of the new bags as long as someone wants to craft them.

Deep Sea Bags - There are two types - (1) The new 30 slot bag will eventually eliminate the current hexweave bags. (2) The new embroidered 32 slot deep sea bag is ridiculously hard to craft due to cost and time to gather the required mats.

The 30 slot deep sea bag pricing is still in flux. Today it sells for 1400 gold, but that price will fall as mats get more plentiful. The 32 slot deep sea bag has a very steep price of over 9000 gold, and there are players willing to pay that price for two extra slots. Unfortunately, the pricing and the difficulty in gathering mats for this ultimate bag is out of range of Tiphaine's coffers. Note - as this is being written, the price of the 30 slot deep sea bag fell to 1298 gold, a drop of 200 gold.

Change of Subject - The new view of leveling is becoming more comfortable, and in fact seems to be working pretty well. Before Boralas and the new continents splattered onto the world, character leveling eventually ended. Permanently. Level 120 is as high as it goes. But now, the world has Artifact Power (AP). Gear is now improved by collecting AP. Though similar to the old leveling process, the new process has no forced limit. Sista's AP is at Level 19 and will continue to grow indefinitely as far as we know. Simple. Which is how we like it.

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