Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Uh Oh, What Have I Done Now?

Uh Oh, What Have I Done Now?

One never knows what is going on in Wildshard's head, but he came up with a whopper this morning. After another fruitless couple of hours failing to catch the Seabottom Squid along the coast of Stormheim, Wild noticed another player tossing in her fishing line, most likely as bored as Wild.

They talked for a bit and then Wild was propositioned. Not THAT kind of proposition, Wild hurriedly stated, turning red.

A guild proposition. In a moment of complete craziness, Wild joined the Goblin Gearworks guild. Now, before anyone starts yelling, Wild did get some information about the guild. They do raid/dungeons but neither are required. They state that it is a family guild for adults, 21 years or older. It seems to be a mid-sized guild, a lot smaller than Wild's prior guild. Wild is going to see how things go.

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