Wednesday, February 7, 2018

A Short Veer About Bags

A Short Veer About Bags

Boring, I know. Java will try to keep it short. Since she has taken over the reins of the Auction House, she has oveseen some of the highest prices for bags in memory.

As of yesterday morning, prices look like this:
Frostweave bags: 420 gold (the past norm is 300-350)
Embersilk Bags: 900 gold (norm is 400-600)
Silkweave Satchels: 1010 gold (norm is 700-800)
Hexweave Bag: 2800 gold (norm is 900-1000)

The downside to all this comes down to crafting material costs, all of which have skyrocketed. Java has/had a very large stock of crafting mats. That bounty has all but wiped out.

The bulk of the mats come from three sources: The Bastion of Twilight, The Maw of Madness, and Naxramas. Sista, Tiphaine, and Atkar have been contributing. Keya will likely be roped in as well. Chaitee will also at least test the waters on whether she could be useful. All of these sources have cooldowns of a week or so (except the Maw), and they are all on cooldown now.

Still, despite the price hikes, Java is above water goldwise, although some think the take should be larger. So far Java as made 23k gold profit. The bank is holding 588k. Chaitee couldn't help but quip that under her watch the take was far larger.
PS - Java released new figures this morning. Guild gold coffers have risen above 600k. That doesn't count the gold already in the bank, which Tiphaine monitors carefully.

Speaking of Tiphaine, she spent most of the last evening in Stormheim playing with dragons and other killable creatures. Without paying too much attention, she reached Level 109. One more level to go.

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