Friday, August 18, 2017

The Noose Tightens on Keya and Chaitee

The Noose Tightens on Keya and Chaitee

Keya is still shy of reaching her goal of getting her overall gear to i900. Keya had hoped to be able to spend her 5,000 nethershards on an i870 ring that would bump up to relinquished i880. Alas, she realized that her other ring is already a relinquished piece and so she can't use it. She has no other options now but to spend the 5,000 anyway, hoping a piece that is already i880 will beat the odds and give her an upgrade. But the roll of the dice failed. No upgrade. Her 5,000 shards wasted.

Another way to upgrade is using her Writhing Essence. She needs 50, and has 25 so far. In other news, Army of Legionfall faction broke over 14,000 toward the 21,000 needed to reach Exalted. The Wardens are still inching forward toward Revered. She needs both to complete elements of Pathfinder AND progress toward her Demon Hunter Mount.

Keya is getting tired of the endless grinding, however. She was pursuing a Warden's quest, the last available, when an invasion started. She usually looks forward to invasions, but when the invasion began the Warden's quest changed to a Dreamweaver quest, which she didn't need.

She looked across her map and saw six invasion points, four of which held elite targets, but she just stood there, holding her fishing pole. She just couldn't bring herself to wade back into the fray. She grabbed a flight path and flew home to Dalaran. The invasion still has five hours before it's over, so she told herself she'd head back  . . . later. Maybe. That maybe became a No. And then came another invasion - and Keya let it pass untouched. Two invasions, worth at least 32 million AP was left on the table as well as the Legionfall rep she didn't get.

Keya now has 1,762,608,663 artifact points. That's one billion, 762 million, 608 thousand, and 663 AP. I think. That's a lot of numbers. But meaningless because she has nothing to spend it on.

. . . And the Auction House is a lonely place for Chaitee, all of her planning wrecked by out of control price dumping. Another week of red ink bleeding across her account books.

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