The Antoran Wastes
and Sista Goes Off the Reservation
Remember the post where Keya said the enemy at Argus was no harder to kill than the Legion soldiers? And that she also said she might still come across stronger foes? Consider them found.
The Antoran Wastes is another area that must be established on Argus. Keya weighed into the first battle with the same certainty of victory that she's shown to every vanquished foe. Arriving there, her first task was to kill an elite gaurd. Keya engaged immediately. Ten seconds later she knew she was in trouble. Okay, she's been in tough fights before, she's even had to use her save me skills a time or two. Only this time it wasn't good enough. After she died she took stock. She decided she had been overconfident and careless.
Keya took a longer look around before engaging this time. There were the usual gaggle of enemy about, but on closer look she realized that most of them were elites. She singled one out that she could attack one on one. There would be no mistakes this time. A few minutes later it was over. Keya made no mistakes. Except that she still died. Keya felt something strange - a tinge of fear. She was stubborn. She changed tactics, tightened her spell casting, but it didn't matter. Four deaths - four trips to the graveyard. It's been a very long time since she's had to repair her armor. She couldn't kill them. This is going to take some thought.
Sista Goes Off the Reservation
Sista heard the rumors of the new cloth, lightweave cloth. She wanted to ask Keya about it, but Keya was locked away in her room with her own problems, primarily how to stay alive in the Antoran Wastes. Sista had heard rumors of bases on Argus, but that's all she knew.
So Sista sneaked off to see about this lightweave cloth on her own. Where cloth can be found, especially alien cloth, Sista was determined to get her hands on it. One lightweave cloth was running over 200 gold on the Auction House and Sista didn't have that kind of gold. She wasn't about to beg for some from Chaitee, either.
She started asking around, and it didn't take her long to learn enough to catch a portal to Stormwind. It was easy from there, with half the pier full of soldiers waiting their chance at glory. Sista isn't ready for Argus. She isn't ready for much of the Broken Shores, either to be honest. But Keya learned about it too late. Sista found the launching spot for Argus. And took it.
Consider that Keya's gear score is i895. Compare that to Sista's gear level of i828, a difference of 67 item levels! Her "combat" skill goes no further than one shotting low level creatures to collect cloth. The noise level grew as others learned where Sista had gone. Tiphaine made a rare appearance. She listened to Keya's concern. It was a short conversation. "Her life, her choice. Maybe some good will come of it." Keya wasn't so sure. She never thought much of Sista, but after getting hosed herself down on Argus, Keya was afraid Sista wouldn't survive the first minute.
Much Later . . .
Sista is huddled in a small alcove on the surface of Argus, at an area called Krokuun. She is one of hundreds of soldiers battling demons and beasts. Her companion ally helps keep the worst of the killers at bay, but battles are long slogs with few others to help her. The riffraff she can fend off or kill, but the others are terrifying. She fights mostly at half strength, unable to get enough health from her rejuv and not enough time to cast longer heals. There is no quarter. The enemy is always banging away. Her current shelter has given her a chance to recover, but it won't last. Another surge is due at any moment.
At least I'm here, Sista murmured to herself. No one else in the family would dare even the Broken Shores, not with all but Rakta under Level 110, who hasn't been on a quest in months. Java is Level 107, but all she does is farm flowers and bust rocks. Hell, Tiphaine is only Level 101, the bitch! Sista groused.
Time to go. More are coming. Sista shifts out of bear form and grabs her get out of hell card - She calls on her Dreamweaver, waits what seems like a forever five seconds, and then took the portal home. Clutched in her raw, bloody hands/paws are fourteen lightweave cloth.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Keya Gets First Look at Argus
Keya Gets First Look at Argus
Keya took the portal to Stormwind harbor, boarded the waiting boat, and was soon on her way across the ether to the Legion world of Argus. For those who want to be picky, Argus looks a whole lot like the Broken Shores. Battles were already in progress, coached by various characters. The killing started shortly after that. Keya wondered if the new demons were any tougher than the old ones. Her assessment is that they are a bit tougher, but then Keya picked up some upgrades that evened the field. She took down five special elites, all solo. This early in the day there wasn't many players out. More on the weapon upgrades later.
Keya was kept very busy for nearly an hour before she took a break. In fact, a break was built into the flow of the battles, which Keya appreciated. It gave her time to explore her ship, called Vindicaar, and locate a Dalaran Portal should she need to return to Dalaran. A weird looking portal also appeared at Dalaran that almost tries to bite you when you port back to Argus.
Keya, meanwhile, made a stupendous find! Her third relic is now ACTIVE! Keya slotted the third relic as soon as she got back to Mardum. She still isn't sure if she can use her AP (now over 3.5 billion) to upgrade or buy additional traits, which is unchanged at 52. But she was encouraged that her 40 reseach Artifact knowledge (AK) shows 41 AK, which I hope means that every week she'll get a new AK as a result of the new patch. It was stuck at 40 until today.
Her blades are now at i893, up from i884. Her overall gear score is now at i895, up from i889. She has yet to find an enemy, or groups of enemies, who can defeat her. But Keya is sure that somewhere out there are things that can kill her.
So, some things have been fixed because of the patch, but there are still issues. Keya is focusing on the positives. She is really thrilled with the patch so far.
One area she knows is not fixed is Order Advancement. Maybe some day she'll find a way to finish the Champions of Legionfall achievement. Keya also has to keep up her work on Pathfinder while also finding time to go deeper into the Legion homeworld. And she can't forget to keep up with her Missions.
Around 11pm Tuesday night Keya ran out of quests on Argus. She has one open quest called "Essence of the Light Mother" but no clue what to do with it.
OOPs! Keya was wandering about on the Mardum and opened her warblades and rank structure to admire her THREE relics. She's tired and prone to giggles this late and still has bits of blood and gore smattered about. She was running one hand along the lines and ranks she has gathered. She playfully tapped the Concordance. There was a little "woosh." Her 3.5 billion was suddenly only 2.8 billion. Keya's jaw dropped. Her ranks went from 52 to 53. The dang thing works. Now she'll be off to Icy Veins to see what ranks she should be getting.
Keya hasn't let Sista know yet that there is a new cloth now available, lightweave cloth. Not sure what its use is, but Sista will want some action the moment she finds out about it. Keya also got a new crafting item, fiendish leather. Privately, Keya shudders at the thought of Sista going onto the battlefield. You think Keya is a slow fighter, Sista is molasses in winter slow.
Keya took the portal to Stormwind harbor, boarded the waiting boat, and was soon on her way across the ether to the Legion world of Argus. For those who want to be picky, Argus looks a whole lot like the Broken Shores. Battles were already in progress, coached by various characters. The killing started shortly after that. Keya wondered if the new demons were any tougher than the old ones. Her assessment is that they are a bit tougher, but then Keya picked up some upgrades that evened the field. She took down five special elites, all solo. This early in the day there wasn't many players out. More on the weapon upgrades later.
Keya was kept very busy for nearly an hour before she took a break. In fact, a break was built into the flow of the battles, which Keya appreciated. It gave her time to explore her ship, called Vindicaar, and locate a Dalaran Portal should she need to return to Dalaran. A weird looking portal also appeared at Dalaran that almost tries to bite you when you port back to Argus.
Keya, meanwhile, made a stupendous find! Her third relic is now ACTIVE! Keya slotted the third relic as soon as she got back to Mardum. She still isn't sure if she can use her AP (now over 3.5 billion) to upgrade or buy additional traits, which is unchanged at 52. But she was encouraged that her 40 reseach Artifact knowledge (AK) shows 41 AK, which I hope means that every week she'll get a new AK as a result of the new patch. It was stuck at 40 until today.
Her blades are now at i893, up from i884. Her overall gear score is now at i895, up from i889. She has yet to find an enemy, or groups of enemies, who can defeat her. But Keya is sure that somewhere out there are things that can kill her.
So, some things have been fixed because of the patch, but there are still issues. Keya is focusing on the positives. She is really thrilled with the patch so far.
One area she knows is not fixed is Order Advancement. Maybe some day she'll find a way to finish the Champions of Legionfall achievement. Keya also has to keep up her work on Pathfinder while also finding time to go deeper into the Legion homeworld. And she can't forget to keep up with her Missions.
Around 11pm Tuesday night Keya ran out of quests on Argus. She has one open quest called "Essence of the Light Mother" but no clue what to do with it.
OOPs! Keya was wandering about on the Mardum and opened her warblades and rank structure to admire her THREE relics. She's tired and prone to giggles this late and still has bits of blood and gore smattered about. She was running one hand along the lines and ranks she has gathered. She playfully tapped the Concordance. There was a little "woosh." Her 3.5 billion was suddenly only 2.8 billion. Keya's jaw dropped. Her ranks went from 52 to 53. The dang thing works. Now she'll be off to Icy Veins to see what ranks she should be getting.
Keya hasn't let Sista know yet that there is a new cloth now available, lightweave cloth. Not sure what its use is, but Sista will want some action the moment she finds out about it. Keya also got a new crafting item, fiendish leather. Privately, Keya shudders at the thought of Sista going onto the battlefield. You think Keya is a slow fighter, Sista is molasses in winter slow.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Patch 7.3.0 - Shadows of Argus
Patch 7.3.0 - Shadows of Argus
It's 9:18 AM my time here in California and Patch 7.3 is active. That was fast.
Just a quick look at what's out there that will attract Keya and Sista.
We'll be based on the ship Vindicaar that will take us to the Legion world of Argus.In addition, other Legion portals can be used.
World quests, artifact upgrades, more missions and champions in the class halls.
Keya's ears pricked when she heard about the six renowned Fishing NPCs that emerged. Akule: Riverhorn, Corbyn, Ilyssia of the waters, Impus, Keeper Raynae, and Sha'leth. Daily rewards and reputation will earn the Fisherfriend of the Isles achievement and a new appearance for the Underlight Angler fishing pole.
Artifact knowledge now increases weekly for everyone without the need to submit work orders. I have to think that won't fix Keya's problems, but she will definitely check to see if she does get to start gathering artifact knowledge. She won't hold her breath.
No changes to the demon hunter class. I guess Keya's class is perfect.
Broken Shore rewards have been reduced and Keya will no longer get Legionfall recompsense. Seems they want us off the Broken Shore and on Argus.
It's 9:18 AM my time here in California and Patch 7.3 is active. That was fast.
Just a quick look at what's out there that will attract Keya and Sista.
We'll be based on the ship Vindicaar that will take us to the Legion world of Argus.In addition, other Legion portals can be used.
World quests, artifact upgrades, more missions and champions in the class halls.
Keya's ears pricked when she heard about the six renowned Fishing NPCs that emerged. Akule: Riverhorn, Corbyn, Ilyssia of the waters, Impus, Keeper Raynae, and Sha'leth. Daily rewards and reputation will earn the Fisherfriend of the Isles achievement and a new appearance for the Underlight Angler fishing pole.
Artifact knowledge now increases weekly for everyone without the need to submit work orders. I have to think that won't fix Keya's problems, but she will definitely check to see if she does get to start gathering artifact knowledge. She won't hold her breath.
No changes to the demon hunter class. I guess Keya's class is perfect.
Broken Shore rewards have been reduced and Keya will no longer get Legionfall recompsense. Seems they want us off the Broken Shore and on Argus.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Notes and Last Comments
Notes and Last Comments
Sorry for the downer, but it's been that kind of weekend for Keya.
Keya gained a third Legendary recently. There was some initial excitement, but it was a pair of shoes. Keya is already wearing legendary shoes. So a wasted legendary is tossed into a corner or obliterated into dust.
It is harder to work up the will to complete tasks, conquer world quests, fight for rep and all the other facets of the daily grind when the purpose of it all seems beyond elusive.
The every other day Legion invasions are tiresome and without interest. Kill, clean up, and drag your loot home. Billions of artifact power piled in great towers, but it doesn't help her. Like some dragon in it's den - but a false dragon, for the AP is useless to her.
The world of the Broken Shores itself repeats itself over and over.
Keya stays away from the Scenarios but has to take some of them in order to do other things. She did not make friends on those runs, though in the end she did get them done.
At long last Keya reached Exalted rep with Legionfall and can begin her series of quests to earn her demon hunter class mount. She rushed into Mardum and glided smoothly to the foot of Mother Malevolence to pick up the first quest in the series - To Fel and Back. But Mother Malevolence just stood there, ignoring her. She gave no quest.
All that work, and she is denied even her class mount.
There is little to look forward to. Pathfinder Part One is mostly done, but there is little will to finish. What would be the point?
Keya doesn't know what PvP battlegrounds look like these days, but she guesses they are nothing like the old days. Keya's one little surprise came over the weekend with a raucous crowd at the Stormwind Auction House. As all know, attacks on the Auction House by the opposing side is frequent. Since Chaitee handles that task, she sees it a lot but can't do anything about it at her level. That is until this night, when Keya decided to hang out at the Auction House with her PvP set for action. Keya stayed for two assaults, killed two Horde, and managed not to die.
But it seems Pathfinder Part Two is the killing stroke. She will leave to others the Legion dungeons and raids. Unable to fly or get her class mount, Keya has no role there.
The next patch, 7.3, will arrive on August 29th. There will be a chance to attack the Legion Homeworld. Imagine the irony, the twist of the knife in the gut, that on the Legion Homeworld Keya will be denied flying there, too. Unlike the Legion, who will certainly have airborne demons in the sky.
Keya will stay around long enough to see this Legion Homeworld. Maybe she'll stay there.
Maybe she won't come back.
Sorry for the downer, but it's been that kind of weekend for Keya.
Keya gained a third Legendary recently. There was some initial excitement, but it was a pair of shoes. Keya is already wearing legendary shoes. So a wasted legendary is tossed into a corner or obliterated into dust.
It is harder to work up the will to complete tasks, conquer world quests, fight for rep and all the other facets of the daily grind when the purpose of it all seems beyond elusive.
The every other day Legion invasions are tiresome and without interest. Kill, clean up, and drag your loot home. Billions of artifact power piled in great towers, but it doesn't help her. Like some dragon in it's den - but a false dragon, for the AP is useless to her.
The world of the Broken Shores itself repeats itself over and over.
Keya stays away from the Scenarios but has to take some of them in order to do other things. She did not make friends on those runs, though in the end she did get them done.
At long last Keya reached Exalted rep with Legionfall and can begin her series of quests to earn her demon hunter class mount. She rushed into Mardum and glided smoothly to the foot of Mother Malevolence to pick up the first quest in the series - To Fel and Back. But Mother Malevolence just stood there, ignoring her. She gave no quest.
All that work, and she is denied even her class mount.
There is little to look forward to. Pathfinder Part One is mostly done, but there is little will to finish. What would be the point?
Keya doesn't know what PvP battlegrounds look like these days, but she guesses they are nothing like the old days. Keya's one little surprise came over the weekend with a raucous crowd at the Stormwind Auction House. As all know, attacks on the Auction House by the opposing side is frequent. Since Chaitee handles that task, she sees it a lot but can't do anything about it at her level. That is until this night, when Keya decided to hang out at the Auction House with her PvP set for action. Keya stayed for two assaults, killed two Horde, and managed not to die.
But it seems Pathfinder Part Two is the killing stroke. She will leave to others the Legion dungeons and raids. Unable to fly or get her class mount, Keya has no role there.
The next patch, 7.3, will arrive on August 29th. There will be a chance to attack the Legion Homeworld. Imagine the irony, the twist of the knife in the gut, that on the Legion Homeworld Keya will be denied flying there, too. Unlike the Legion, who will certainly have airborne demons in the sky.
Keya will stay around long enough to see this Legion Homeworld. Maybe she'll stay there.
Maybe she won't come back.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Keya After Her Class Mount
Keya After Her Class Mount
Keya is obsessed with just one thing these days: Reaching Exalted reputation with the Legionfall faction. It takes 21,000 rep, and she is within 2,000 rep of that goal. When she gets there, she can begin the journey to earn her demon hunter class mount. She decided NOT to find out if she must have Legion Flying in order to earn her class mount. It allows her to focus on getting Legionfall rep to Exalted first.
In the meantime Keya continues to collect AP, which is now bulging above 2.5 billion now. She tries to get into every invasion, and that has gotten her 49 of 50 Writhing Essence which "might" get her a gear upgrade. She's given up completely on the Dauntless gear upgrades (all she gets are i850s), and has lost confidence in the Relinquished process as well. Keya has sunk 20,000 nethershards into four attempts to get relinquished gear above i880 and all have failed.
Note: I saw a clip touting the next patch, 7.3. Apparently we get to attack the Legion homeworld. Keya had to smile when she learned that on the Legion Homeworld flying mounts are not allowed, even for the demons. Keya has learned how to get around without flying and that should give her an advantage when all those flying mounts are grounded. Keya is ready to rock-n-roll when 7.3 launches.
Chaitee experienced one of those Auction House whiplashes when prices plummet and then whiplash back into the stratosphere. For a few days Chaitee all but locked up her shop, but stayed patient. The profits are again starting to roll in, and that means Sista goes back to work farming and crafting.
Keya is obsessed with just one thing these days: Reaching Exalted reputation with the Legionfall faction. It takes 21,000 rep, and she is within 2,000 rep of that goal. When she gets there, she can begin the journey to earn her demon hunter class mount. She decided NOT to find out if she must have Legion Flying in order to earn her class mount. It allows her to focus on getting Legionfall rep to Exalted first.
In the meantime Keya continues to collect AP, which is now bulging above 2.5 billion now. She tries to get into every invasion, and that has gotten her 49 of 50 Writhing Essence which "might" get her a gear upgrade. She's given up completely on the Dauntless gear upgrades (all she gets are i850s), and has lost confidence in the Relinquished process as well. Keya has sunk 20,000 nethershards into four attempts to get relinquished gear above i880 and all have failed.
Note: I saw a clip touting the next patch, 7.3. Apparently we get to attack the Legion homeworld. Keya had to smile when she learned that on the Legion Homeworld flying mounts are not allowed, even for the demons. Keya has learned how to get around without flying and that should give her an advantage when all those flying mounts are grounded. Keya is ready to rock-n-roll when 7.3 launches.
Chaitee experienced one of those Auction House whiplashes when prices plummet and then whiplash back into the stratosphere. For a few days Chaitee all but locked up her shop, but stayed patient. The profits are again starting to roll in, and that means Sista goes back to work farming and crafting.
Friday, August 18, 2017
The Noose Tightens on Keya and Chaitee
The Noose Tightens on Keya and Chaitee
Keya is still shy of reaching her goal of getting her overall gear to i900. Keya had hoped to be able to spend her 5,000 nethershards on an i870 ring that would bump up to relinquished i880. Alas, she realized that her other ring is already a relinquished piece and so she can't use it. She has no other options now but to spend the 5,000 anyway, hoping a piece that is already i880 will beat the odds and give her an upgrade. But the roll of the dice failed. No upgrade. Her 5,000 shards wasted.
Another way to upgrade is using her Writhing Essence. She needs 50, and has 25 so far. In other news, Army of Legionfall faction broke over 14,000 toward the 21,000 needed to reach Exalted. The Wardens are still inching forward toward Revered. She needs both to complete elements of Pathfinder AND progress toward her Demon Hunter Mount.
Keya is getting tired of the endless grinding, however. She was pursuing a Warden's quest, the last available, when an invasion started. She usually looks forward to invasions, but when the invasion began the Warden's quest changed to a Dreamweaver quest, which she didn't need.
She looked across her map and saw six invasion points, four of which held elite targets, but she just stood there, holding her fishing pole. She just couldn't bring herself to wade back into the fray. She grabbed a flight path and flew home to Dalaran. The invasion still has five hours before it's over, so she told herself she'd head back . . . later. Maybe. That maybe became a No. And then came another invasion - and Keya let it pass untouched. Two invasions, worth at least 32 million AP was left on the table as well as the Legionfall rep she didn't get.
Keya now has 1,762,608,663 artifact points. That's one billion, 762 million, 608 thousand, and 663 AP. I think. That's a lot of numbers. But meaningless because she has nothing to spend it on.
. . . And the Auction House is a lonely place for Chaitee, all of her planning wrecked by out of control price dumping. Another week of red ink bleeding across her account books.
Keya is still shy of reaching her goal of getting her overall gear to i900. Keya had hoped to be able to spend her 5,000 nethershards on an i870 ring that would bump up to relinquished i880. Alas, she realized that her other ring is already a relinquished piece and so she can't use it. She has no other options now but to spend the 5,000 anyway, hoping a piece that is already i880 will beat the odds and give her an upgrade. But the roll of the dice failed. No upgrade. Her 5,000 shards wasted.
Another way to upgrade is using her Writhing Essence. She needs 50, and has 25 so far. In other news, Army of Legionfall faction broke over 14,000 toward the 21,000 needed to reach Exalted. The Wardens are still inching forward toward Revered. She needs both to complete elements of Pathfinder AND progress toward her Demon Hunter Mount.
Keya is getting tired of the endless grinding, however. She was pursuing a Warden's quest, the last available, when an invasion started. She usually looks forward to invasions, but when the invasion began the Warden's quest changed to a Dreamweaver quest, which she didn't need.
She looked across her map and saw six invasion points, four of which held elite targets, but she just stood there, holding her fishing pole. She just couldn't bring herself to wade back into the fray. She grabbed a flight path and flew home to Dalaran. The invasion still has five hours before it's over, so she told herself she'd head back . . . later. Maybe. That maybe became a No. And then came another invasion - and Keya let it pass untouched. Two invasions, worth at least 32 million AP was left on the table as well as the Legionfall rep she didn't get.
Keya now has 1,762,608,663 artifact points. That's one billion, 762 million, 608 thousand, and 663 AP. I think. That's a lot of numbers. But meaningless because she has nothing to spend it on.
. . . And the Auction House is a lonely place for Chaitee, all of her planning wrecked by out of control price dumping. Another week of red ink bleeding across her account books.
Monday, August 14, 2017
Chaitee Grumbles and Keya Plows Forward
Chaitee Grumbles and Keya Plows Forward
The bag business is underwater. It seems that soon after earning her millionth gold piece the market did a flip and prices plummeted. Chaitee is waiting not-so-patiently for pricing to rebound, but that hasn't happened. She has stacks and stacks of mats she refuses to post, determined to wait out the market. The fall is across the board - embersilk, frostweave, silkweave. The only bag still selling - and selling well - is hexweave bags, but it takes five days to craft one.
Chaitee has to face the fact that the market won't support her elevated prices, and being stubborn is costing her gold. For example, no one will buy a frostweave bag for 300g, not now, when the going price for the last week is 250g. Will she lose gold at that price? Actually, no, the mats to make a frostweave bag cost 100g, so she still wins. But it won't stop her from trying to game the market whenever she can.
A tougher challenge is the silkweave bag. Silk costs are now between 5-7 gold each. It takes 90 silk to make a bag, so at best 450g, but are listed for sale on the AH at 473g. Not much value there. Chaitee watches the AH and whenever the silk price dips to 4g per silk (360g per bag), she buys them. Farming them directly is easy but takes too much time. An hours worth of farming gets enough silk for 1-3 bags.
Meanwhile, Keya is making some very positive strides with her gear. A week ago her overall gear score was i883. Three upgrades later, highlighted by the purchase (for 65k gold) of a pair of Legion Season Four Warforged gloves and a relinquished ring pushed her gear score to i889. She needs two more invasions (which takes about three days) to get enough nethershards to get another upgrade that should push it to i900. Stay tuned.
Valarjar reached Revered, which leaves only The Wardens to complete the Faction section of Pathfinder. She is making steady progress on Legionfall as well with about 13k toward the 21k required.
Keya also started tracking Writhing Essence, which until recently she didn't even know existed. She was surprised when she earned a gear upgrade once she got 50 Writhing Essence. She upgraded her belt from i940 to i970 at that time. She only has 9 writhing currently. It's a slow process.
Oh, and she is now at PvP Honor Level 4. :-)
The bag business is underwater. It seems that soon after earning her millionth gold piece the market did a flip and prices plummeted. Chaitee is waiting not-so-patiently for pricing to rebound, but that hasn't happened. She has stacks and stacks of mats she refuses to post, determined to wait out the market. The fall is across the board - embersilk, frostweave, silkweave. The only bag still selling - and selling well - is hexweave bags, but it takes five days to craft one.
Chaitee has to face the fact that the market won't support her elevated prices, and being stubborn is costing her gold. For example, no one will buy a frostweave bag for 300g, not now, when the going price for the last week is 250g. Will she lose gold at that price? Actually, no, the mats to make a frostweave bag cost 100g, so she still wins. But it won't stop her from trying to game the market whenever she can.
A tougher challenge is the silkweave bag. Silk costs are now between 5-7 gold each. It takes 90 silk to make a bag, so at best 450g, but are listed for sale on the AH at 473g. Not much value there. Chaitee watches the AH and whenever the silk price dips to 4g per silk (360g per bag), she buys them. Farming them directly is easy but takes too much time. An hours worth of farming gets enough silk for 1-3 bags.
Meanwhile, Keya is making some very positive strides with her gear. A week ago her overall gear score was i883. Three upgrades later, highlighted by the purchase (for 65k gold) of a pair of Legion Season Four Warforged gloves and a relinquished ring pushed her gear score to i889. She needs two more invasions (which takes about three days) to get enough nethershards to get another upgrade that should push it to i900. Stay tuned.
Valarjar reached Revered, which leaves only The Wardens to complete the Faction section of Pathfinder. She is making steady progress on Legionfall as well with about 13k toward the 21k required.
Keya also started tracking Writhing Essence, which until recently she didn't even know existed. She was surprised when she earned a gear upgrade once she got 50 Writhing Essence. She upgraded her belt from i940 to i970 at that time. She only has 9 writhing currently. It's a slow process.
Oh, and she is now at PvP Honor Level 4. :-)
Friday, August 11, 2017
Keya, Pathfinder, and her Demon Hunter Order Hall Campaign
Keya, Pathfinder, and her Demon Hunter Order Hall Campaign
Keya is closing in on a billion artifact power now but has no way to spend it. Her Research ability was locked down at level 40. The ranks of spells of her weaponry went silent at rank 52. The third Fel Relic, Item level 840, is waiting to be put to use, should it ever be unlocked. When that might be is unknown.
Further progress requires the one thing she has been steadfastly refusing to accept - Dungeon runs. She again checked to determine if anything has changed, not that she really thinks someone at Blizzard will make that happen. Anyway, her demon hunter class Order Campaign cannot proceed any further without completing the following dungeons:
A Very Special Kind of Fuel
Vault of the Wardens: Vault Break-in
Keya remains suspicious of the whole mess. She also notes that she cannot get her Class Hall gear set, either. Keya has four pieces, but the other four require dungeon runs. Stubbornness doesn't begin to explain her anger. Her overall gear score is now i885, probably good enough for the dungeons above. She went so far as to check if her Vengeance gear would be okay if she were to switch to Havoc spec/DPS. There wouldn't likely be an issue as most of her gear has Crit, which the havoc spec prefers. Not saying that she might try a dungeon as a DPS. On that subject she says she is still "reflecting on it."
Pathfinder progress continues. She gathers legionfall rep as fast as it appears, working toward Exalted. She is focused on reaching Revered for The Wardens and Valajar. She will lay out the latest soon.
Keya has has a little surprise. She has been earning PvP Honor ranks. She used to avoid places that are designated as PvP areas. Over time, time, though, she learned that very few of the players in those zones actively go after combat. Completing quests and battling invasions seem to take precedence over backstabbing someone in Pvp.
So, how does Keya earn Honor? She uses her Rift Cannon (smile). Yes, it's a sneaky way to do it, but she has earned Honor Level Three with three single blasts of her cannon, and she can still collect her AP. It's a win win.
Chaitee wants to weigh in, too. There is an Auction House battle going on that has dragged down bag prices for the last two weeks. Chaitee calls it the stupids and the stupider. A few new players on the scene dropped a hundred gold in price for both embersilk bags and frostweave bags. That put the price well below market, and Chaitee stopped selling them. Chaitee has been waiting for the big players to move in, but it appears they'll wait for the weekend. In the interim Chaitee isn't hurting, however. She is selling the mats now - both frostweave and embersilk, at prices three times their value. Chaitee gets her gold, no matter how it is sold. PS - Chaitee went past a million gold without even noticing earlier in the week, and no one should worry about how she spends it.
Keya is closing in on a billion artifact power now but has no way to spend it. Her Research ability was locked down at level 40. The ranks of spells of her weaponry went silent at rank 52. The third Fel Relic, Item level 840, is waiting to be put to use, should it ever be unlocked. When that might be is unknown.
Further progress requires the one thing she has been steadfastly refusing to accept - Dungeon runs. She again checked to determine if anything has changed, not that she really thinks someone at Blizzard will make that happen. Anyway, her demon hunter class Order Campaign cannot proceed any further without completing the following dungeons:
A Very Special Kind of Fuel
Vault of the Wardens: Vault Break-in
Keya remains suspicious of the whole mess. She also notes that she cannot get her Class Hall gear set, either. Keya has four pieces, but the other four require dungeon runs. Stubbornness doesn't begin to explain her anger. Her overall gear score is now i885, probably good enough for the dungeons above. She went so far as to check if her Vengeance gear would be okay if she were to switch to Havoc spec/DPS. There wouldn't likely be an issue as most of her gear has Crit, which the havoc spec prefers. Not saying that she might try a dungeon as a DPS. On that subject she says she is still "reflecting on it."
Pathfinder progress continues. She gathers legionfall rep as fast as it appears, working toward Exalted. She is focused on reaching Revered for The Wardens and Valajar. She will lay out the latest soon.
Keya has has a little surprise. She has been earning PvP Honor ranks. She used to avoid places that are designated as PvP areas. Over time, time, though, she learned that very few of the players in those zones actively go after combat. Completing quests and battling invasions seem to take precedence over backstabbing someone in Pvp.
So, how does Keya earn Honor? She uses her Rift Cannon (smile). Yes, it's a sneaky way to do it, but she has earned Honor Level Three with three single blasts of her cannon, and she can still collect her AP. It's a win win.
Chaitee wants to weigh in, too. There is an Auction House battle going on that has dragged down bag prices for the last two weeks. Chaitee calls it the stupids and the stupider. A few new players on the scene dropped a hundred gold in price for both embersilk bags and frostweave bags. That put the price well below market, and Chaitee stopped selling them. Chaitee has been waiting for the big players to move in, but it appears they'll wait for the weekend. In the interim Chaitee isn't hurting, however. She is selling the mats now - both frostweave and embersilk, at prices three times their value. Chaitee gets her gold, no matter how it is sold. PS - Chaitee went past a million gold without even noticing earlier in the week, and no one should worry about how she spends it.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Reckless Keya
Reckless Keya
The Broken Shore has three flight paths, numerous daily quests, and a rotation of randomly added elites. If Keya is lucky, she'll park under the Legion Sentinax vessel and tease the ship into sending down demon portals she can attack. If she's REALLY lucky, there will be an active invasion, but with five zones in the Broken Isles, it takes awhile for the Broken Shore zone to come around. Other than Sargeras and High Lord Kruul, there is nothing on the island that can kill her. A bold statement, but so far Keya has survived every challenge.
The reality, though, is that Keya has now outpaced all of those activities. It takes less than an hour to clear the entire Broken Shore of quests, elites, and miscellaneous trash. Keya still needs nerthershards to improve her gear, but her main focus is now on earning legionfall supplies that move the bar on earning Legionfall Exalted reputation. She is at 10,428 rep and needs 10,572, just a little over halfway there.
On the Broken Isles Keya has done several scenarios as part of completing each zone. It's hard to get excited about them because they are always rushed with no thought but to get them finished and grab the goodies. There have been as many as five and as few as two players in these scenarios. She's learned that if it gets crazy, the scenario will simply check the box and advance to the next Stage whether it was completed or not. Pretty hard to screw up, but Keya found a way. It was in the Highmountain scenario. I think we were at Skyhorn. The last stage is always to find the mounts and fly away to get our goodies. Keya managed to get herself killed. Quite amazing, when she thinks about it. An armored demon hunter with the ability to glide managed to crash into a knot of elites, wasn't paying attention because she was trying to catch up to the others in the scenario, and drowned. Did I mention that Keya can breath underwater? Though she failed to complete the scenario, an hour later she got an apology in the mailbox that included all the goodies she would normally get. Ya gotta love scenarios.
Keya will go find other things to do later in the day, such as work on the reputation grinds for The Wardens and Valarajar, the two she still needs to get them to Revered. There may be a mission or two she can run, but mostly? She waits.
The wait was shorter than expected - Legion Invasion in Val sharah! Keya got enough nethershards from the invasion to upgrade her i860 wrist to i880. Keya's overall gear score is now i881. An even better deal came later. Keya was granted a gear upgrade that raised her i940 belt to i970! That pushed her overall gear score to i883. Nice.
Much later the same night: Keya was having a hard time getting settled down for the evening. She had wrapped up a last quest. All of the Broken Shore seemed asleep. Then a low groan came from the northern side of the island. She could barely hear the sound, but she felt it, the grinding of a great weight. And then came a shudder that shook rocks and had the little fel creatures scrambling into hiding.
Keya wanted to see what thing had come onto the Broken Shore. She took the path that led to the Tomb of Sargeras, but turned away when it was clear the great raid was empty on this night. Her path bent northwest. She was looking at her map hunting possible treasures when she felt a ponderous settling that rattled rocks and sent the flying bats scattering. Keya had her back to the sound. She turned.
Standing about twenty paces from her position was the Elite Boss Malificus. Malificus is of the same mold as Kruul. She glanced around. The large circular area must have seen many battles on this spot. The scored rock and broken stones could tell many tales.
Keya was alone. She pondered her options. Attacking Malificus solo was suicide. She waited a bit. Two horde players showing off their flying mounts fluttered about but didn't settle. One alliance player set down on his mount and then never moved again.
Then there was a period of about five minutes where there were four of us. Keya, a mage, a paladin, and a warrior. The paladin did not look like a healer. No one said anything.
Keya went in. Did I mention she can be reckless? She weathered the first fury of attacks. She was in less than a minute when she was hit with a Fear. That actually helped Keya as Malificus wasn't hitting her while Keya was fleeing. Keya broke the Fear, swung around and landed some more blows. Malificus is huge and it was hard for Keya to keep her bearings. Her Ally came to her aid, slamming a Fiery Brand and pushing her health back over 50%.
Keya could vaguely see a couple of others engaged. Malificus is huge, and it was hard to see, but Keya seemed to be the only fool at melee range. Way too soon, all of Keya's tricks had run their course and Keya found herself at Corpse Land. She had no idea if anyone else died or if they all ran away laughing at the crazy demon hunter fighting a raid Boss.
As for Keya, she was more amused than anything else. She'd turned a dead evening into a fun adventure. Keya also came up with this tidbit of information: Counting Malificus, Keya's Quest list now has fifteen (15) different dungeons listed.
The Broken Shore has three flight paths, numerous daily quests, and a rotation of randomly added elites. If Keya is lucky, she'll park under the Legion Sentinax vessel and tease the ship into sending down demon portals she can attack. If she's REALLY lucky, there will be an active invasion, but with five zones in the Broken Isles, it takes awhile for the Broken Shore zone to come around. Other than Sargeras and High Lord Kruul, there is nothing on the island that can kill her. A bold statement, but so far Keya has survived every challenge.
The reality, though, is that Keya has now outpaced all of those activities. It takes less than an hour to clear the entire Broken Shore of quests, elites, and miscellaneous trash. Keya still needs nerthershards to improve her gear, but her main focus is now on earning legionfall supplies that move the bar on earning Legionfall Exalted reputation. She is at 10,428 rep and needs 10,572, just a little over halfway there.
On the Broken Isles Keya has done several scenarios as part of completing each zone. It's hard to get excited about them because they are always rushed with no thought but to get them finished and grab the goodies. There have been as many as five and as few as two players in these scenarios. She's learned that if it gets crazy, the scenario will simply check the box and advance to the next Stage whether it was completed or not. Pretty hard to screw up, but Keya found a way. It was in the Highmountain scenario. I think we were at Skyhorn. The last stage is always to find the mounts and fly away to get our goodies. Keya managed to get herself killed. Quite amazing, when she thinks about it. An armored demon hunter with the ability to glide managed to crash into a knot of elites, wasn't paying attention because she was trying to catch up to the others in the scenario, and drowned. Did I mention that Keya can breath underwater? Though she failed to complete the scenario, an hour later she got an apology in the mailbox that included all the goodies she would normally get. Ya gotta love scenarios.
Keya will go find other things to do later in the day, such as work on the reputation grinds for The Wardens and Valarajar, the two she still needs to get them to Revered. There may be a mission or two she can run, but mostly? She waits.
The wait was shorter than expected - Legion Invasion in Val sharah! Keya got enough nethershards from the invasion to upgrade her i860 wrist to i880. Keya's overall gear score is now i881. An even better deal came later. Keya was granted a gear upgrade that raised her i940 belt to i970! That pushed her overall gear score to i883. Nice.
Much later the same night: Keya was having a hard time getting settled down for the evening. She had wrapped up a last quest. All of the Broken Shore seemed asleep. Then a low groan came from the northern side of the island. She could barely hear the sound, but she felt it, the grinding of a great weight. And then came a shudder that shook rocks and had the little fel creatures scrambling into hiding.
Keya wanted to see what thing had come onto the Broken Shore. She took the path that led to the Tomb of Sargeras, but turned away when it was clear the great raid was empty on this night. Her path bent northwest. She was looking at her map hunting possible treasures when she felt a ponderous settling that rattled rocks and sent the flying bats scattering. Keya had her back to the sound. She turned.
Standing about twenty paces from her position was the Elite Boss Malificus. Malificus is of the same mold as Kruul. She glanced around. The large circular area must have seen many battles on this spot. The scored rock and broken stones could tell many tales.
Keya was alone. She pondered her options. Attacking Malificus solo was suicide. She waited a bit. Two horde players showing off their flying mounts fluttered about but didn't settle. One alliance player set down on his mount and then never moved again.
Then there was a period of about five minutes where there were four of us. Keya, a mage, a paladin, and a warrior. The paladin did not look like a healer. No one said anything.
Keya went in. Did I mention she can be reckless? She weathered the first fury of attacks. She was in less than a minute when she was hit with a Fear. That actually helped Keya as Malificus wasn't hitting her while Keya was fleeing. Keya broke the Fear, swung around and landed some more blows. Malificus is huge and it was hard for Keya to keep her bearings. Her Ally came to her aid, slamming a Fiery Brand and pushing her health back over 50%.
Keya could vaguely see a couple of others engaged. Malificus is huge, and it was hard to see, but Keya seemed to be the only fool at melee range. Way too soon, all of Keya's tricks had run their course and Keya found herself at Corpse Land. She had no idea if anyone else died or if they all ran away laughing at the crazy demon hunter fighting a raid Boss.
As for Keya, she was more amused than anything else. She'd turned a dead evening into a fun adventure. Keya also came up with this tidbit of information: Counting Malificus, Keya's Quest list now has fifteen (15) different dungeons listed.
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Hovering Sentinax |
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Keya and Malificus |
Monday, August 7, 2017
The Greatest Mount Eva!
The Greatest Mount Eva!
PS - If she can get it.
Keya has a mystery on her hand. She caught a glimpse of a mount that intrigued her but has been unable to determine what it is or how to find it. On two occasions Keya whispered to players who have the mount but got no response. With hundreds of mounts to sift through, Keya's attempts to manually wade through them kept getting sidetracked by other business.
Well, after another boring but more thorough pass through the mount lists, Keya found the mount she was looking for. Keya had to laugh when when it popped up. The name is "Slayer's Felbroken Shrieker." It is truly cool looking. It's also the Demon Hunter Class Mount!
Keya now has another challenge before her. Getting her flying mount. Of course she still won't be able to fly, but it won't stop Keya from riding around on it. She still has to earn the mount. It starts by getting to Exalted with the Armies of Legionfall. She is currently Revered and needs about 10K to reach Exalted. Then there is a Broken Shore Campaign of eleven components "spaced over several weeks." The final quest for the mount is called "To Fel and Back" and is given by Kyra Lightblade on the Fel Hammer. Keya has pieces of what is required but she's not certain of the order in which things need to happen or have already happened. Keya spoke to Matron Mother Malevolence, who has a role, but she has nothing to say.
One step at a time. Perhaps by the time Keya gets to Exalted with Legionfall she'll have more information. I'm still trying to find the list (Blizzard always has a list) of steps required. Keya will be keeping her fingers crossed that it won't require a dungeon run OR completion of Legion Flying.
Below is a rare pic seen in Moonlclaw Vale. To me it looks most like a very nasty wasp.
PS - If she can get it.
Keya has a mystery on her hand. She caught a glimpse of a mount that intrigued her but has been unable to determine what it is or how to find it. On two occasions Keya whispered to players who have the mount but got no response. With hundreds of mounts to sift through, Keya's attempts to manually wade through them kept getting sidetracked by other business.
Well, after another boring but more thorough pass through the mount lists, Keya found the mount she was looking for. Keya had to laugh when when it popped up. The name is "Slayer's Felbroken Shrieker." It is truly cool looking. It's also the Demon Hunter Class Mount!
Keya now has another challenge before her. Getting her flying mount. Of course she still won't be able to fly, but it won't stop Keya from riding around on it. She still has to earn the mount. It starts by getting to Exalted with the Armies of Legionfall. She is currently Revered and needs about 10K to reach Exalted. Then there is a Broken Shore Campaign of eleven components "spaced over several weeks." The final quest for the mount is called "To Fel and Back" and is given by Kyra Lightblade on the Fel Hammer. Keya has pieces of what is required but she's not certain of the order in which things need to happen or have already happened. Keya spoke to Matron Mother Malevolence, who has a role, but she has nothing to say.
One step at a time. Perhaps by the time Keya gets to Exalted with Legionfall she'll have more information. I'm still trying to find the list (Blizzard always has a list) of steps required. Keya will be keeping her fingers crossed that it won't require a dungeon run OR completion of Legion Flying.
Below is a rare pic seen in Moonlclaw Vale. To me it looks most like a very nasty wasp.
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Slayer's Felbroken Shrieker |
Friday, August 4, 2017
Bugged out in Val sharah
Bugged out in Val sharah
Plus a Pathfinder update at the bottom of the post.
Note: I'm two days behind posting. Keya got her magic wheel completed, spending 520 million for her 51st trait, but the achievement seems hollow. Artifact power gathering is becoming numbingly boring. She has also been doing full clears across the Broken Shore almost every day. That is reaching the gag point, too. She is only mildly interested in the random elites as well. They're like old enemies, worn out and waiting to be killed over and over.
Keya more interested in the legion invasions, which give nethershards. Val sharah being the current target of the Broken Isles. Blizzard mentioned that there might be a few bugs here and there. They'll get them fixed, no worries. Well, she IS worried. Keya has been roaming through the countryside. There are certainly armies of legion troops tromping all over the place, but there are no world quests, elites, or dungeons available. Keya went on a short killing spree and discovered she was getting no credit for the kills other than trash objects. Bottom line is the whole legion invasion in Val sharah is bugged to hell. Non legion activity is also affected, with groups of legion soldiers milling about in areas where they shouldn't be.
Keya figured she might as well wind up her Rift Cannon and get one good blast. She was denied even that. The cannon is loaded and primed, but it refused to target anything. Outside of Val Sharah the cannon again became operational.
Sigh. It will all be over in just about an hour. Update: The Val sharah episode eventually got straightened out but she lost an entire invasion. Invasions are about the only thing that gets Keya out of bed these days. Well, I take that back. There's still Pathfinder. The current status is below.
Pathfinder Update
Part One (Five Major Parts)
(1) Broken Isles Explorer (done, all zones explored)
(2) Variety is the Spice of Life (done, 100 world quests)
(3) Loremaster of Legion (4 of 5 completed)
Good Samaritan (7 of 11 completed)
(4) Broken Isles Diplomat (2 of 6)
(5) A glorious Campaign (must finish class order campaign)
New Completions: 8/1/17
Good Suamritan now (7 of 11)
Three Quests required for GS
The Arcway: Long Buried Knowledge (not sure about this one)
The Arcway: Opening the Arcway (she has this quest)
Court of Stars: Beware the Fury of a Patient (she has this quest)
Note: You DONT have to do the dungeons, just do the quests
Plus a Pathfinder update at the bottom of the post.
Note: I'm two days behind posting. Keya got her magic wheel completed, spending 520 million for her 51st trait, but the achievement seems hollow. Artifact power gathering is becoming numbingly boring. She has also been doing full clears across the Broken Shore almost every day. That is reaching the gag point, too. She is only mildly interested in the random elites as well. They're like old enemies, worn out and waiting to be killed over and over.
Keya more interested in the legion invasions, which give nethershards. Val sharah being the current target of the Broken Isles. Blizzard mentioned that there might be a few bugs here and there. They'll get them fixed, no worries. Well, she IS worried. Keya has been roaming through the countryside. There are certainly armies of legion troops tromping all over the place, but there are no world quests, elites, or dungeons available. Keya went on a short killing spree and discovered she was getting no credit for the kills other than trash objects. Bottom line is the whole legion invasion in Val sharah is bugged to hell. Non legion activity is also affected, with groups of legion soldiers milling about in areas where they shouldn't be.
Keya figured she might as well wind up her Rift Cannon and get one good blast. She was denied even that. The cannon is loaded and primed, but it refused to target anything. Outside of Val Sharah the cannon again became operational.
Sigh. It will all be over in just about an hour. Update: The Val sharah episode eventually got straightened out but she lost an entire invasion. Invasions are about the only thing that gets Keya out of bed these days. Well, I take that back. There's still Pathfinder. The current status is below.
Pathfinder Update
Part One (Five Major Parts)
(1) Broken Isles Explorer (done, all zones explored)
(2) Variety is the Spice of Life (done, 100 world quests)
(3) Loremaster of Legion (4 of 5 completed)
Good Samaritan (7 of 11 completed)
(4) Broken Isles Diplomat (2 of 6)
(5) A glorious Campaign (must finish class order campaign)
New Completions: 8/1/17
Good Suamritan now (7 of 11)
Three Quests required for GS
The Arcway: Long Buried Knowledge (not sure about this one)
The Arcway: Opening the Arcway (she has this quest)
Court of Stars: Beware the Fury of a Patient (she has this quest)
Note: You DONT have to do the dungeons, just do the quests
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