But pictures first. I found a spot to take some demon hunter pics, courtesy of Keya. The first three show Keya with her glaives strapped across her back. In the second pic she is reaching to pull the glaives over her head and into her hands. In the third pic she is carrying the glaives in her hands. The fourth pic shows her mounted on her felsabre.
Tiphaine (i680) has been overtaken by both Jocy and Keya in the gear department. This morning she decided to do something about it. Her first assault was at Sentinel Hill. Stupid me forgot to take a pic of the elite, but he knew the name: Krosus. She did get two upgrades, raising her gear level to i685. Another fact that pleased Tiphaine is that in the battle with Krosus she came in third in DPS. First time I can recall in these battles that any family member made it into the top five DPSers against these elites.
Tiphaine then embarked on a new journey, the first of any in the family. Appropriate, she would say. All of the family are used to seeing the talking heads popping up periodically in game, usually at the wrong moments. This time it was Khadgar asking Tiphaine to help him out in getting support to allow the Horde into Dalaran. And guess what? Dalaran is located over Karazahn now! Khadgar takes Tiphaine for a walk through the past of Karazhan. We did a little exploring, killed a few mobs, and then he returned her to Dalaran. The city is in conflict, and enemy mobs run rampart in the streets. The bank is open, but there is no one manning the booths. At least the Alliance sanctuary, A Hero's Rest, is still in business. Unfortunately, Krasus Landing is occupied by a really, really nasty elite. No flight path available. I am really getting excited about Legion. And I'd better pay more attention when a talking head pops up.
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