Saturday, July 23, 2016

Data Mining Legion Professions

Data Mining Legion Professions

The Autumn Tea Green Guild is hoping to get a fast start in crafting professions for Legion. I did a very quick scan to see what looked new to the professions as well as what looks very similar to that of Draenor. My means to attack this is to attempt to prioritize needs and get up to speed on crafting as quickly as possible.

Sistaphilia Professions (Tailoring and Enchanting)

Tailoring - There is still a lack of good information on this profession, but there's at least  one major impact: Bags. Embersilk (22 slot) and frostweave (20 slot) bags have made thousands of gold for the guild, but both of those bags will be overtaken by the Legion 24 slot bag, Silkweave Satchel. This is a 24 slot bag that needs only one ingredient (90 shal'dorei silk). It will likely cost less than the already maligned 26 and 28 slot bags that few use. For very large bag needs, there is still the 30 slot hexweave bag, but like the 26 and 28 slot bags, it too, may languish because the difficulty of getting crafting material as the garrisons are abandoned.

But I don't think embersilk and frostweave bags will go away completely, since embersilk and frostweave are pretty easy to farm.

Enchanting - New versions of temporal crystal (chaos crystal), luminous shard (arkhana), and draenic dust (leylight shard) will replace the old versions and work in a similar fashion - minus the garrison element. There is also Blood of Sargeras, a rare item like felblight I think that isn't fully understood yet. The "Mark" enchants are now "Word" enchants but perform the same duty: adding stats to gear.

Javajoo Professions (Herbalism and Mining)

Herbalism - the new herbs are yseralline seed (found within other herbs), felwort, starlight rose, fjarnskaggi, foxflower, dreamleaf, and aethril. Wow, that's a lot of herbs. Herb seeds can also be looted and planted near water. There are three herb ranks and each herb has their own quests. Boon of the Harvester is an enchant which obtains herbs from slain mobs. Along with a glove enchant that speeds up gathering. There's a chance a hostile mob will appear, just as they do in Draenor gathering.

Mining - Types: leystone ore, felslate, infernal brimstone. Same rules as herbalism. There are only two ranks instead of three. Boon of the Salvager and glove enchant increase gathering.

Rakta Professions (Alchemy and Jewelcrafting)

Alchemy depends heavily on herbs, which puts pressure on Java to keep gathering. Potions and flasks and transmutes are still the norm. The alchemist trinket follows the same pattern. Nothing really new here except the naming.

Jewelcrafting - There are no guides and almost no information yet. It's got to be there, I just haven't found a good source.

Tiphaine Professions (Blacksmithing and Inscription)

Blacksmithing - Leystone ore (requires anvil) and demonsteel (requires Firmament Stone and demonsteel bars) are the primary materials used, replacing blackrock ore and true iron ore.

Inscription - Major glyphs have been removed. Minor glyphs were either removed, turned into toys, or made into cosmetic glyphs applied to certain spells with no limit of how many. Replacing glyphs are Vantus Runes which have a specific purpose - they increase a player's strength against a particular boss for the week (yawn). The most important aspect of this profession now is collecting relics which can be applied to slots on our artifact weapon.

Mahakeya Professions (Leatherworking and Skinning)

Leatherworking - The new mats and armor are:
    Stonehide Leather: Leather armor; Warhide armor
    Dreadhide Leather: Leather armor; Dreadleather armor
    Stormscale: Mail armor; Battlebound armor
    Gravenscale: Mail armor; Gravenscale armor

Skinning - Scraps have been removed so you get a full pelt with each skinning. Works the same way as the other gathering professions.

The Rest - Professions Archaeology, Cooking, First Aid, Engineering, and Fishing.
    I like to fish and will be looking for fish that can be cooked into stat upgrades.
    First Aid? Healing Tonic is replaced with silkweave splint bandages.
    I have no interest in either Archaeology or Engineering.

Finally, Tiphaine has discovered the new location of the floating city of Dalaran. Dalaran is going to be the central gathering point in Legion. With the launch of Legion, Dalaran will be found floating in the southern Broken Isles, south of Suramar and southeast of Azsuna. The city has received a number of upgrades and are working on the finishing touches.

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