Saturday, June 11, 2016

Surviving the In-Between Time

Surviving the In-Between Time

One of the worst decisions I've made in WoW is when I retired a well run Horde family under Wildshard and turned the reins over to the alliance family under Tiphaine. I completely ignored the situation and the damaging ramifications of such a decision.

The Draenor expansion is fading into history and entering the no man's land between wrapping up the old expansion and anticipating the new expansion, Legion. This has a huge affect on the Auction House and I pulled my expert, Happy, off the case at exactly the wrong time and gave the job to a game but utterly inexperienced Chaitee. She's doing the best she can, but the 148K gold nest egg given her is now down to 137K gold.

To top that off I went on vacation for over a month with very limited access to the game. This was neither Wild's or Tiphaine's fault. All the fault rests with me.

I doubt things will improve until Legion gets here and Chaitee can get into the AH groove, learning the new mats and the other items that comes with it.

The three active garrison holders, Tiphaine, Sista, and Rakta, can manage on their own for now, getting the daily work of the garrison done. Their focus will be on raising and improving followers, which has languished. There is still no word on the fate of garrisons in Legion, so the work has to continue. The three have been mostly hermits over the past month and will have to get their butts out there if they want to be ready for the leveling grind that is coming.

I haven't forgotten Java, either. She is only level 79 and is running out of time to reach level 100 in time for Legion. The goal is to spend almost all of my available game time getting her to 100. For that I am going through all the gear stockpiled by everyone - including the gear Sinn has been sending - and feeding everything to Java that she might be able to use. The rest of the stuff will be sold off to help defray the many other costs the family has to deal with. She has a complete set of heirloom gear that will help her until she reaches level 90 (plate gear, strength based) to aid her but will continue to need upgrades from now to then:

Java's Current Gear status (i168):
Neck - i100
Wrist - i175
Hands - i162
Waist - i146
Boots - i162
Rings (2) - i162, i93
Trinket - i174
One-Hand - i150
Off-Hand - i142

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