Friday, February 12, 2016

A Treatise on the Wild Family Garrison Professions

A Treatise on the Wild Family Garrison Professions

Warning - Likely to induce heavy eyelids and snoring.

In a perfect world the Wild Family would have developed their garrison-based professions to take full advantage of both the professions and the associated structures that support those professions. However, that isn't possible, because professions existed before garrisons, and that pre-existing situation adds complexity with every new garrison added to the family holdings. Those who already have professions want to keep them. The addition of secondary structures within the garrisons to support those professions add another layer. There were misunderstandings on how and where to establish such support, and already mistakes have been made.

Attempts to fix one problem caused other problems. The family has twice "un-learned" fully functioning professions, forcing the re-leveling of professions from scratch, a lengthy and expensive deal. The Lesson learned: Always always always place profession buildings in the same garrison with the profession. The Wild family broke that rule many times.

The family took on the task to fix the problems. There may never be an ideal arrangement, but most of the family's needs have been addressed. To Summarize:

Jocy has Blacksmithing and Mining, with the associated Forge. But Jocy isn't happy with the level 3 Gem Boutique also on her property, which should have been paired up with Jewelcrafting. This is problem #1.

Tiphaine is also a Blacksmith, and has loudly argued that she was a blacksmith before Jocy became one, so any duplication is Jocy's fault. Jocy counters that Tiphaine had been hiding in Dalaran so long Jocy had to step in because a Blacksmith was needed. Who thought Tiphaine would ever get over her snit with the family? That's how the family wound up with two blacksmiths. There was no need for two miners, though, and the family was looking for a home for Inscription. Somehow, still argued over the family dinner table, Tiphaine wound up taking the Inscription profession. Since then she's built a Level 3 Scribe's Quarters.

Fist is very happy with her arrangements as a Leatherworker and Skinner with a nice Tannery. But she also houses a Level 3 Scribe's Quarters that is crippled because it isn't supported by inscription, a fact Fist was unaware of at the time she built it. Hundreds of war paints were crafted in those quarters before anyone realized the war paints were soulbound, greatly limiting their use. Fist wants it gone, but the family says wait a minute, its a level 3, plus all those war paints would be destroyed with the building. What should be done? One option offered was to unlearn yet another fully functioning profession, this time Skinning, and take Inscription to marry up with the Scribe's Quarters already there. Fist is fuming about that idea. She wants her Skinning profession.

On the more fortunate side, the two most consistent money makers for the family, the Enchanting and Tailoring professions, both fall under Wild's control, and each have their own appropriate support with a Tailoring Emporium and Enchanter's Study. Wild likes to take credit for good planning, but in fact it was an accident based on the fact that there was only one garrison to work with, not the six there are now. Hindsight being what it is, though, a little thought when the second garrison went up might have saved some heartache later.

JB watched as these issues began raising their heads, and she tried to do the right thing. She has the Alchemy and Herbalism professions, which are complimentary, and is supported by an Alchemy Lab. She is also trying to make a go with a Lumber Mill and Salvage Yard which may or may not pan out. Otherwise, she is in good shape.

Philly is the latest owner of a garrison, and has the benefit of knowing all that has transpired before her. She brought Jewelcrafting and added Mining as her professions. She'll be adding a Gem Boutique when she has the resources. Jewelcrafting has been her main profession for a long time. She was asked to add Mining because there is at least some link between the two professions, plus it fixed the loss of a Mining profession when Tiphaine agreed to give it up for Inscription. See, one move forces another. It's not perfect, but it does work. Philly still has room for another structure, but she hasn't decided on what that will be yet. Okay, so those of you paying close attention may have noticed that the family is back to two Mining professions again. Philly has been using it as a leveling tool because she gets over 2k in XP for each rock she mines.

If the above looks overwhelming already, a seventh garrison is almost a certainty. Assuming that garrisons survive the Legion expansion, the family will add a new member, a demon hunter. From a profession standpoint, Leatherworking and Skinning would be a natural fit since demon hunters wear leather.  [Although there is a faction that is still trying to convince Blizz to grant them mail armor, similar to the shaman. I'd like to see that happen, there are too many leather wearers already, but its a long shot.]

There is one other point that doesn't get much mention. In addition to the buildings already mentioned, the family as a whole have built Salvage Yards, Lumber Mills, Barns, and Frostwall Taverns that have gotten little or no use, primarily because they require gathering things, which takes time the family just doesn't have. Just doing the minimum for the must do stuff takes an hour plus every day. Then add the boredom factor and busy schedules.

Finally, the family needs to make decisions on the two problems still in play. If nothing else is done, the family will have a Level 3 Gem Boutique and Scribes Quarters that isn't supported by a Jewelcrafter or Scribe. The alternative to the status quo is to force Fist to unlearn skinning and take inscription. Right now the Skinning profession just isn't needed. But the cost to level up Inscription from scratch will be steep. As for the Gem Boutique in Jocy's garrison, it isn't very useful, but it isn't in the way, so it would stay as is.

Decisions decisions.

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