Fist's Ferocious Family
Fist knew her mother would be on her case, now that Fist was back at work. She began making immediate improvements to the Garrison. The War Mill was brought up to full capacity at Level 3. The storehouse was also raised to Level 3. She filled her last remaining open spot with a Trading Post, which will be upgraded to Level 3 as soon as possible. Fist still isn't sure what she wants to do with The Scribes Quarters. For it to be useful, Fist would have to learn how.
Her own personal status is fine. She's kept herself prepared. A Windwalker Monk, her gear (i631) isn't bad, and she'll get time to build it up as needed. Fire Mage Vivianne (i654 geared) is a decent bodyguard but has only "Blizzard" as a weapon and lacks the armor protection of the family's favorite bodyguard, Tormmock. Fist ticked off the task - bring her own Tormmock to the garrison and start his training as a bodyguard.
Fist didn't just give in, however. She countered Wild's plan for the demon hunter. "Let's say that I follow the plan," Fist suggested. "I craft the best leather gear available, and Happy gets his arm twisted and pays for the best gear upgrades available on the Auction House. With all of that gear saved up for the demon hunter, she/he could concievably reach Jocy's level of i693."
Fist let that sink in, and then went for the kill. "There are still obstacles to this plan." She began ticking them off.
"First, The new DH will start at level 98, and won't be able to use ANY of that saved gear until level 100."
"Second, assuming there is a specific training event (like the death knights have), the DH will likely level from 98 to 100 during that event and will likely have their OWN SET of level 100 GEAR when they complete the event."
"Third, the instant the DH reaches level 100 the DH will start getting Legion level gear that will eclipse every current piece of gear out there."
Fist paused for a breath. "In other words, the hundreds of hours of crafting and the thousands of gold spent will be worthless by the time the DH reaches level 101."
Fist waited - for applause, maybe. The family was silent. Finally, Tiphaine spoke. "Well said." She looked at the others shuffling their feet. "You want to be ready for Legion, do your own work to get there. And that goes for the demon hunter, too."
So, just how prepared is the Wild family for Legion in terms of getting a good start on the level grind from 100 to 110? Here they are, from top to bottom (this assumes no one jumps into a dungeon or raid - possible, but not likely):
#1 Jocy: at i693 gear level she is virtually maxed out. Bodyguard Tormmok is maxed at 675 weapon and 667 of 675 armor. He's a Trusted Bodygaurd (2nd level) and is 7,190/10,000 toward the third level (no, I don't know how many bodyguard levels there are).
#2: Wild: i653. Bodyguard Vivianne is 663/666 toward max 675. She is only 10/10,000 toward the second level. Wild never made much use of bodygaurds. He didn't learn how to use them, although that is no excuse.
#3: Fist: i631. Bodyguard Vivianne is 675/654 toward max 675. She is 670/10,000 toward the second level. She hasn't used her bodyguard much, either, so far. But then, she hasn't been given the time.
#4: Tiphaine. i623. Bodyguard Mock is at BASE LEVEL (600/600) because, well, Tiphaine has other priorities regarding her garrison and, frankly, Mock has worked out just fine as he is. He is 7,380/10,000 toward the second level. Once Tiphaine's issue with garrison resources is straightened out, she'll be able to acquire follower gear that should raise Mock's skill considerably.
"So, get off my case!" Fist demanded, reminding them who this is about. "There's a hundred other things I need to work on, including joining the ongoing battles in the Tanaan Jungle. This could get very bloody."
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