Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tormmok Runs Amuck

Tormmok Runs Amuck

Well, I guess it had to happen sooner or later. Tormmok may be a giant, but he has a pea for a brain. Jocy took Tormmok for a walk through the middle of the enemy, daring all comers to stop us, just to prove we could. Somewhat astonishing, the two of them walked all the way past the Dark Portal and into the Iron Horde, one of the daily quests, killing as we went. Jocy knew the place well and directed Tormmok to take out the mobs in front of a building that had a treasure Jocy was after. It started well, with Tormmok killing the mobs in the immediate vicinity. Jocy was stunned, though, when Tormmok went after more mobs, and then more, and then, holy enrage! the two were in the middle of a deluge of  mobs.

Of course, Tormmok eventually died. That's at least partly Jocy's part, she would have to admit. There were many riflemen in the enemy mobs. One rifleman would hit Tormmok, and he'd run after the mob, gathering more mobs around him. The riflemen went down fast, but by the time he'd killed them all there was a lot of angry mobs surrounding them both. Ranged bad guys are just too enticing for Tormmok to resist. Jocy had no trouble finishing off the last of the dregs around her, but she was without her bodyguard for the next hour. At least she got her treasure. Jocy admitted to missing the big lug - just a little.

As an aside, I wish I could figure a way to see Tormmok's health bar so Jocy could heal him. Wait! I just found an addon called BodyguardHealth. Installed it and it looks like this will work. Hurry up, Tormmok, and get back to the Barracks so we can check it out!

The new addon works just fine, displaying Tormmok's health, making it easy for Jocy to heal him. Jocy and Tormmok tore through Rumble in the Jungle (in a group) and barely took a scratch. Then Jocy helped a player two-man the third and final boss - Eyepiercer - while still tangling with one of the monkey elites. It took a little while but we took Eyepiercer down and the guy got his quest done.

Jocy has developed a final plan to complete Pathfinder:

Master Treasure - This is a grind it out by the end of the week to locate the 14 treasures she needs.
Saberstalkers - Next week she'll earn another 3500 rep for Rumble in the Jungle, which is only 475 rep short. She can get that done by killing 19 elites. That's five sweeps along the Fangrila shoreline killing the crabs there. (Actually, no, see below)

Awakened - Everthing hinges on Jocy's ability to find ten apexis fragments each day for the daily Unseen Influence quest. If she can get that 1500 rep per day, it will take her five days to complete. I'm just not sure Jocy can find fifty more of those things. Elites do occasionally drop them (all three Rumble in the Jungle elites drop a few) but it is not near enough. Jocy is worried about this one. There is also the Medallion of the Legion, which grants 1,000 rep - but that entails doing four dungeon runs, which isn't very likely.

Progress Toward Draenor Pathfinder:

Vol'Jin's: Revered (DONE)
Master Treasure: -> 86 -> 97 (need 100)
Awakened: Honored -> 4500 -> 6000 toward Revered (need 12,000)
Saberstalkers: Honored -> 4425 -> 8125 toward Revered (need 12,000)

Things don't stay sane, though. For whatever reason killing the elite trees or the crabs no longer give 25 rep. It seems Jocy now only has the rare spawns and the monkey elites to hassle. Monkeys do die rather nicely, but they take their time about it, sigh.

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