Hunter Fortress was (sort of) out in force on Wednesday night. Bean and Shevils missed an opportunity to run with Speak and See at an earlier starting time than usual (we blame the internetz for not getting the word), but fate conspired against us all being in a battlegroup at the same time. The four of us did start a Warsong Gulch BG shortly after all of us got in game, but poor Shevils and Bean experienced Disconnects (like what had happened with Wild earlier in the week) soon after getting into the BG. Bean recovered and rejoined the BG, but Shevils was knocked totally out of the BG and had to sit it out.
Speak had to leave soon after, but the three of us gamely jumped into an Alterac Valley battle. It started well, but again we were DCed, and again Shevils found herself back in Orgrimmar and not in Alterac Valley. See had to leave after that truncated fight.
Bean and Shevils got in two more WSGs where luckily there were no DC's, and we won one of them.
Our one success of the night
I believe the DC problem is the heat wave we are having out here right now. We've had all time record temps up to 97 degrees (compared to our usual pleasant low 70s) with much higher humidity than typical due to some sparse showers that have hung around (our first "rain" since February, I think). I think the heat is causing problems either with our internet connection itself or with our router. We don't have A/C, and it's HOT with that temp and with two computers running.
There is no raid scheduled for Thursday night. Wild finally learned what happened with our Thurs/Fri raid leader, Bd. Bd is having some real life issues and when his WoW game card expired he decided not to get another. He recently passed along word that he will probably be out of action for another month. Wild is going to start signing up for Mf's Mon/Tues raid hoping to get with them on a regular basis instead of as a fill in. They plan to work on the Firelands full time. Lady Hunter's group on Tues/Wed has decided to start running Heroic BWD. Maybe Heroic raids are a better plan than Firelands - the Heroic gear is i372 vs the Firelands i378, and both are better than some of the gear Wild has now. I love progression, though, and I'd rather Wild be learning the Firelands encounters than plodding through BWD in Heroic mode at the meandering pace of Lady Hunter's raid. But that might change if we discover that we simply aren't ready for Firelands.
The Horde AH is going through an interesting cycle the past few days. There has been some massive dumping of stuff at crazy low prices. It started with just a few sellers, but it has taken on a life of it's own. This happens periodically, but I don't recall it ever being this large or last this long. Happy was in heaven at first, buying and buying and buying. But there's a limit even for Happy, and he began sitting out some of the sell offs to take stock and to see if prices would continue to drop.
Happy has spent more than 10% of all his gold on mats he hopes will eventually be worth selling. He has had to pass a lot of that stock to other family members as Happy has no room for it all. Some items are practically worthless right now and Happy is reluctant to keep buying up that stuff, but then he thinks about Dream Shards.
Not too long ago dream shards were a junk item. Prior to that, Happy typically sold them at 5g apiece or better, and sales were good. Prices kept dropping, though, and Happy kept buying until things reached a point where Happy couldn't sell any of it back. Happy stopped buying when prices dropped below 50 silver each with no end in sight. A little more than a week ago, though, dream shard prices started going up. Happy sold out his stock too fast, and now you can almost name your price on dream shards, they are so hard to come by and at high demand. Lost opportunity. So, Happy keeps buying, and we'll see how that all turns out.
By the way, the Alliance AH has not gone through that, at least not yet. That AH has it's own peculiarities, but so far Lost hasn't seen the kind of dumping that happened and is still happening on the Horde AH.
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