Sista was very disappointed with her DPS output Tuesday night when Kiren and Sista hit the dungeons. Hitting the dungeons is like hitting the bars and nightclubs, and Sista was not impressing anyone. Sista was doing half the damage Kiren was putting out, and worse, a Hunter! was killing me on the DPS meter as well. A good hunter, I'll admit, and he hung with us for our last two dungeon runs I believe. We hit Dire Maul, and we hit Razorfen Downs twice, wista snorting and growling in frustration the whole time. Kiren and Sista both leveled to 43 on the runs.
Once back at Darnassus, and after Kiren had left, Sista was cleaning out her bags and sorting through the goodies. We've about farmed those places out of anything useful. Sista may have to go as a healer a few times just to pick up some healing blues. Anyway, Sista did get a necklace upgrade.
Finished with her tidying up, Sista leaped onto her cat mount to check with the druid trainer (Sista LOVES - and I mean LOVES! - her cat mount). She happened to catch sight of her scabbard. Where her wonderful heirloom dagger rested, ready for use. Only - there was no dagger in the scabbard. Beanoevil had forgotten to send it back to Sista with the other heirlooms, and Sista didn't notice.
She had run all those dungeons - with no weapon equipped. I guess she knows now why her DPS was off by so much.
There was some good come from that missing dagger. Sista began trying some new things in an effort to bring up her DPS. She started using the command that allowed her to leap several feet, pop up behind her target, and then Ravage the target - all without having to go into stealth. Kiren made that move challenging since he tended to change his target after making the pull, and Sista found herself aggroed by the mob she'd just ripped into. Kiren quickly got back the aggro, so no worries there. Sista also followed the lead of the rogue in the group and tried stealthing to the target a few times. That allows for a good opening move, but since we were usually dealing with multiple mobs it was difficult to get into position without losing stealth.
On a much more exciting - and less embarrassing - note, Hunter Fortress was at full strength on Tuesday night. The Four Tresses won all three of our Warsong Gulch battles, all by 3-0 scores. There might have been a fourth WSG that only Speak and See got into. Beano had an issue with the battleground system not letting her leave and I think Beano and Shevils missed a call to battle.
For someone who has not played in literally years, and who had never seen a pvp battleground until a week ago, Beano is picking things up pretty fast. Moving a character around is second nature now for me, but helping Beano practice her movements using both mouse and keyboard brought back lots of memories of being stuck in corners, falling off high cliffs, and blundering into things that killed me when my toon went one way when I thought I was going another. Just getting the layout of Warsong Gulch and the flow of battle takes some getting used to as well.
For the most part us four hunters demolished the alliance, even though we got tangled into mid-field battles too often (actually closer to the alliance base) instead of focusing on capping flags. Shevils got her first flag return and acquitted herself pretty well, I thought. Shevils is so small the alliance don't always pick her up on the battlefield. Shevils, for her part, tends to lose her combat pet, Poo, because the dang monkey is so small I lose track of him.
Beano was a maniac out on the field. Last week she had problems targeting the hostile alliance, but that was more Shevils fault than Beano's. I had set up a "Target" macro to help with targeting, but it wasn't working too well for her. This week I mentioned that I often just clicked on the target and that seemed to work a lot better. We have worked on setting a focus for targeting as well, but we often get separated and that works better when we can coordinate with each other.
Speaking of coordinating, I really need to get that mike working. The things coming out of Beano's mouth during those battles are too precious not to share. :P
We both had a blast last night!
I only captured the stats from the last two battles, but here they are for your viewing pleasure.
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