I'm starting to get that "overwhelmed" feeling that I can't get things done fast enough. I'm looking forward to our real life trip to Monterey, but I know that I have only three more days to get Wild as far as I can is get. Wednesday night's questing was a lot of fun. Wild got to participate in some huge battles in the underwater city along with a lot of other things. I kinda wish I was paying closer attention to the lore, but the urge to push that xp higher has totally taken Wild over.
Wednesday night Wild DINGED! to level 82. We have about a dozen guildies who've hit level 82 now; two at 83, and even one at 84 already! Wild is still right in there with the fastest levelers, but not only is that trip going to slow Wild down, he ran into major trouble with a quest chain.
The huge underwater battle is part regular questing and part phased questing where Wild is transformed into a sea creature to help another race with the battle. There is a series of quests that are all linked together. To help guide Wild, he was given a sword that he could use to summon up the phase at certain locations. I'm sure this was put in place to help players if they got lost or out of sync doing these quests. Believe me, it's easy to lose track of where you are in the dual quest chains. The short of it is that Wild managed to break the phased chain somehow. Wild is holding a quest he can't complete because it's in the phased chain. The sword Wild needs to re-enter the phase is no longer in Wild's bag, and despite almost an hour of hunting for a way to recover, Wild finally had to put in a ticket to try to get it resolved. Wild is going to move over to Mount Hyjal to quest while waiting for a response from a GM (Game Master), but I expect it will take a very long time for a response. I don't want to abandon Vashj'ir completely. Wild is getting to the quests where the loot starts to get better. Wild received a green level main hand mace as a BOE (ie, it was a random "trash" drop that in Cata Wild would have simply disenchanted). Wild thought that Philly might be able to use it and Wild got as far as opening up the mailbox to send it to her. The stats on that mace then caught his eye. Wild closed the mailbox and compared the i278 mace to Wild's own i264 ICC25 [Frozen Bonespike]. Holy cow, the green mace might be better than Wild's weapon! And a level 78 could equip it! Wild is still holing on to that mace. I need to refresh my memory of the stat changes to determine if this random drop will replace the best weapon Wild has ever owned. Philly is hoping Wild sends it to her, of course.
Anyway, Wild only got 17% of the way to level 83 Wednesday night, which puts Wild a day behind where he wanted to be.
Other pressures are mounting. Happy finally got some game time to figure out what was going on in the Auction House. Wild also sent Happy some of the new enchanting mats so he could start tracking costs. As expected, the new mats are way over-priced as enchanters rush to raise their enchanting skill from the old max of 450 to the new maximum of 525. One thing Happy reported back on was that Frost Wyrm flasks (which had dropped in price from around 20 gold apiece to around 5g) were coming back up. Happy sold the last of his stock at 16g each. Happy predicted this, and JB had the mats to make more.
JB then had to get some game time. In addition to getting the flasks made, she took a moment to check in with the Alchemy and Herbalism trainers so she would be ready to start skilling up those professions - when Wild gave her time. JB demanded time to at least get her flying license. JB was embarrassed she could not fly in the old world yet. She had to ask the flight master to fly her to Org (she was in Thunder Bluff) to get her flying license.
Of course, once in Org, and having gotten her license to fly, she received the quest "A Personal Summons." It's just one quest, and JB talked herself into ignoring Wild's command to be quick. She took flight (the joy of flying again!) and swung by the Portals area to complete the "talk to me" quest. She got another quest. This was a scripted quest and she didn't have to do anything but watch it, so she did that quest, too.
Then there was the next quest, to report to the waterfront outside the gate to Orgrimmar. JB knew where this was leading, and knew Wild would be furious, but she decided to stay with it a bit longer. She flew to the waterfront and completed the quest, and that got her a ticket on the boat to Vashj'ir.
Now, when Wild had gotten on the boat (along with a crush of other players) it was pure chaos. And when that boat got to it's location and was attacked and sunk, Wild and other players were left stranded at the overturned craft. JB's experience was much different.
JB walked over to the wharf after turning in her quest and collecting her ticket (another quest). The boat hadn't arrived yet, but there were several npc orcs hanging around shooting the breeze. Apparently they were going on the boat as well. It was pretty cool just listening to typical soldier talk. There was only one other player waiting with JB (this is early Thursday morning, by the way). The boat arrived and the orcs, JB, and the other player all boarded. The boat was manned by humans, and the orc Boat Master had to order the other orcs not to slaughter them. There was more talk about what was happening and where we were going, none of which Wild had heard during his own trip. It really set the tone and certainly makes a point that slowing down and really getting into the lore does add to the experience.
When the boat got to it's destination in the ocean of Vashj'ir, we were attacked by the giant octopus, just as Wild was. However, JB was grabbed by a tentacle pulled into the sea. I tried to fight it for a few moments, then realized it was a scripted sequence. Released by the octopus, JB was attacked by naga and nearly killed, but was saved by an npc who Bubbled her. JB, safe in her air bubble cocoon, floated slowly to the sunken ship that was being used as a base, and was revived once she was inside.
I believe that is what should have happened with Wild, but that part must have gotten bugged. I suspect there were far more players on that boat than tentacles to grab players and the scripted phase ended before we were all picked up. Wild later learned that there was a flight master on a small strip of land called "The Lightless Reaches" that he could have flown to, but didn't know about at the time.
JB knew she was running out of time (and Wild's patience). She cast an underwater breathing spell and swam to the surface, located some floating wreckage to stand on, and took flight to the Reaches. JB got her flight path and flew to the only place it would take her - to the Undercity in Tirisfal Glades. That was fine. JB could fly back there, or take the portal from Org, when she had the time to do more.
JB in the Clutches of the Giant Octopus
There it is!
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