Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tuesday (29 Sep) - Silly Java 2

Tuesday (29 Sep) - Silly Java 2

Continuing his travels from yesterday, Java figured he could get to Astranaar via the boat from Exodar to Auberdine. Once at Auberdine Java rode south through Darkshore and into Ashenvale. Java took a quick shortcut to taunt the Horde's Zoram'gor Outpost (near Blackfathom Deeps) and then took the road directly into the small town of Astranaar. Java collected the flight path there, and then had to do a little exploring. Wolves and spiders make up a good percentage of the denizens of this area, but they were right around Java's level and did not pose much of a problem. Java finally located Silverwing Outpost, and then took another path from there to Silverwing Grove, home of the entrance to the Alliance side of Warsong Gulch. There Java found the gear merchant and acquired a trinket and a ring with the honor points that he had. Mission accomplished.

Java took a flight back to Auberdine and thought about going home, but couldn't bring himself to do so until his search was completely fulfilled. He caught a boat to Stormwind City, and then the Tram to Ironforge. Then it was back to his trusty elekk ground mount for the rest of the journey. Java needed to go north into the Wetlands, but mountainous peaks kept him from heading that way directly. Instead, Java got to see a great deal of the wintry countryside of Dun Morogh (where Ironforge rests) as he rode east, eventually into Loch Modan. Here a series of tunnels carved into the heart of the mountains by dwarves led Java safely through the range and into the Wetlands. Java was collecting lots of credit for visiting new areas, and that raised an interesting thought. Java was basically making the same journey that nearly every Wild toon has had to make on the Eastern Continent to link flight paths between the northern half of the continent with the southern half - only in reverse. Wild's toon generally made the journey starting in the Arathi Highlands and going south, whereas Java was starting in the south (Westfall) and heading north. Even more striking was the sudden realization that Wild's horde family has seen more of the alliance territory along that route than his Alliance cousins. Almost every step of Java's journey was new to him.

Java made another detour in the Wetlands, heading to the western coastline to visit Menethil, a port city with a flight path that Java needed to add to his chain of flight paths. Menethil also has a ship route to Theremore, yet another city new to Java along the coast of Dustwallow Marsh on the continent of Kalimdor. Well, that was something to remember.

Java eventually crossed the impressive but badly deteriorated span of stone bridgework that links the Wetlands to the Arathi Highlands. Here Java had to be extra careful, as the spiders and dinosaurs here were in their level 30s and would eat Java alive if they caught him. Java was looking for Refuge Point, but had only a vague idea whereabouts it was located in the Highlands. Java came very close to tangling in the webs of at least two large spiders, but his elekk mount outran them before they could close and cast their net. Java had to reverse direction a number of times before finally finding the signpost pointing to Refuge Point.

Java located the gear merchant and another flight path. He was a bit disappointed, though, to find that he was not high enough level to buy any of the gear for sale. Level 28 looked to be the minimum. Oh well, at least the place has been found and a flight path established to get there. Next time, maybe.

Java hearthed home to Exodar. It was a fun and challenging adventure. Maybe he should take Chaitee along with him the next time.

Wednesday Evening

Wild was already resigned to the fact that we would start a fresh ICC10 on Wednesday night. And after Philly's less than stellar showing as a healer in Halls of Lightning I didn't feel comfortable sending her in in place of Wild. Not to mention that they decided to run with just two healers instead of our usual three.

It was actually a pretty fun run, and despite the goofing around we got pretty serious about the boss encounters themselves. Wild liked two healing it - it kept me a lot busier and engaged. Wild discovered he had to get those heals out there faster, and even had to use his innervate to buff up his mana and keep the heals coming. Cr had her alt paladin as the second healer, and she was really having to press to support Wild. She said later in the evening that she was going to bring her better geared priest healer next week. We'll make a powerful two-some.

The bosses went down - Marrowgar, Deathwhisper, Gunship, and Saurfang in the first wing - and then Festergut and Rotface in the second wing. We had just enough time to take one shot at Dreamwalker as well. For that fight our raid leader hunter swapped to her paladin healer as Dreamwalker needs a third healer. Cr and Wild went into the portal as usual. We came very close, getting the dragon to 95% health, but did not save her. Wild did a respectable 16,177 hps. Although it was still a little off from Wild's best performance, I was much more comfortable this week than last. Wild was asked to provide the healing data on the fight so the raid leaders could review it. Cr came in with 7441 hps despite trying some new things to improve her portal healing. Something is still not right somewhere, as she should be putting up numbers near what Wild is doing.

In overall healing on the entire night Wild led with 4779 hps and 52.7% healing with Cr at 4011/37.3%. Our best performance was against Festergut: Wild at 8181 hps/54.6% and Cr at 6084/37.6%.

I'm praying we make some real progress Thursday night. Putricide, Dreamwalker, and the Princes all need to go down.

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