Chunk #3 - Alwayslost picked a rough week to start her Alliance Auction House business. Even Happy has had to be cautious as pricing has alternately jumped through the roof and then plummeted seemingly randomly. The reason for this is likely because players are not doing as many 5 man Heroics anymore. Players still want to go do their one Heroic per day to get a frost emblem, but with Cataclysm on the horizon doing whole strings of random Heroics has really slowed down. And a lot of the stuff sold on the AH come from those Heroic runs.
Happy has four items that generally sell well completely off both his buy and sell lists because of high risk and crazy postings. Another thing that Lost noticed is that the posting method that Happy calls "walking the dog" seems to be much more deeply entrenched on the Alliance side. "Walking the dog" refers to players posting prices for items only a few copper or a few silver below the lowest bidder. This creates a long list of items for sale, but with prices set very close together. That means that there are no bargain prices to buy out and resale at a higher price, because the difference between the highest and lowest prices are so minimal. Without bargains to get started with, Lost simply can't buy or post in those situations. Lost is still learning what the "normal" prices are, so that she recognizes bargains when they do pop up, but with pricing what it's been the past week it's impossible to know what's normal right now on the Alliance AH.
Still, Lost has been making a little gold, doing what she can. Lost has been listing her daily sales and total money figures each day:
7/25 - Sales 45g 48s, total cash 67g 70s
7/26 - Sales 46g 1s, cash 75g
7/27 - Sales 16g 79s, cash 88g 75s
7/28 - Sales 4g 93s, cash 90g 54s
7/29 - Sales 42g 62s, cash 91g 80s
7/30 - Sales 31g, 0s, cash 78g 71s
7/31 - Sales 32g 4s, cash 84g 42s
8/02 - Sales 75g 3s, cash 106g 17s - her first "big" weekend
8/03 - Sales 108g 77s, cash 194g 43s
8/04 - Sales 18g 99s, cash 113g 15s (restocking)
Happy, always looking for new ways to make gold, has started to notice price differences between the Alliance and Horde Auction Houses that he might be able to take advantage of. For example, large brilliant shards are currently selling pretty well at prices well above their average. All good for Happy, who has a decent stock of them. But get this - a good selling price on the horde side is around 9g at the moment. That same good price on the alliance side is 5g. Happy is considering staking Lost some more gold to buy up the shards at 5g so he can sell them for 9g. Just a thought. The only down side to that is passing gold through the neutral AH (between alliance and horde) costs a whopping 15%. Happy would have to buy the 5g shard for close to 6g in order for Lost's costs to be covered. And the price differential is going to be different from day-to-day.
Chunk #5 - With all that has been going on it's been difficult for little EZ to get any attention. But EZ had made a promise to push herself into the level 40s bracket for pvp as well as becoming a contributing partner with Lao and (eventually) Ando in dungeon runs. EZ has stayed pretty much under the radar, but that doesn't mean she hasn't been hard at work. Most recently EZ has been spending her time in Dustwallow Marsh, home of crocodiles, spiders, and dragons. The Marsh is thick with hostile creatures. The low slung, weeping willow like trees and the rolling terrain full of humps and bulges around winding creeks and streams makes it difficult to see very far, causing numerous accidental encounters. EZ has been working her way up from level 35, and the Marsh's level 38-41 creatures have made that trek a challenging one. But EZ persevered, completing quests from both Brackenwall Village and Mudsprocket, as well as pushing deep into darkest areas of the Marsh to find old lady Tabetha (suspected of being a witch), Witch Hill, and Swamplight Manor. There were some goosebumps along the way, but EZ finally reached her goal - level 40.
At level 40 EZ was able to get swift riding training, and bought herself a high speed swift brown wolf mount. With help from Happy's coffers, EZ also bought the training for Dual Wielding. It was hard to give up the protection of her shield, but JB assured EZ (having grown up dual wielding herself) that once she held those two blades in her hands she would never look back. One of the better blades that EZ could acquire at reasonable prices was [Wirt's Third Leg]. And to dual wield EZ needed two of them. Yes, every analogy in the book, both innocuous and racy, has been used to describe this one-handed weapon. Frankly, the weapon is the ugliest I've ever seen. It's a stick. An unadorned stick. But the two "sticks" pack a significant wallop, and she's unlikely to find better for several levels.
EZ and her pair of "third legs"
The third thing that EZ got at level 40 was the ability to wear the higher armor mail gear, instead of leather. EZ has been collecting mail armor in anticipation of hitting level 40, and was able to swap out a lot of her gear. Ironically, she has less armor now than when she was wearing leather - but that's because she gave up her shield to dual wield. Her armor would have been even worse without that mail armor upgrade. EZ's one mistake along the way was that she did not assign her talents to allow her to get the biggest DPS spell in her young arsenal - Stormstrike. She came up one talent point short. Rather than spend the gold to respec, EZ decided she would get in some dual wielding practice to reach level 41 and then pick up Stormstrike. At least that's the plan. EZ has run out of rested experience and so will take a couple of days off to get ready for her run to level 41.
Chunk #6 - Philly is trying to find some time in game to finish the five man Icecrown dungeons. She completed the first one, The Forge of Souls, a long time ago. She has yet to do the other two, Pit of Saron and Halls of Reflection. Why she didn't complete them I'm not sure, but she can never get into the raid level Icecrown Citadel until she does. What reminded Philly of this? For the first time, Lord Marrowgar, the first boss in Icecrown Citadel, was given the honor of being the weekly frost quest. No boss in ICC has ever been assigned as the weekly quest before, and Philly wants in on that, even if it's with a PUG raid. She can't get in until she completes those other two five mans. Philly should be able to hold her own in ICC, at least against Marrowgar, and probably even against Deathwhisper and the Gunship. The new staff she got from ToC last week put her gear score over 5k so even the PUGs should accept her, at least for the first wing.
By the way, here's a pic of Philly and her Perdition:
If things work out for Philly with ICC this week then Philly and Wild has hatched a plan to get her even more involved. Since Wild raids in ICC with G2 on Wed/Thurs, Tuesdays are an open night for him. Well, the guild G1 ICC raid starts their raid week on Tuesday. Philly intends to ask if she can run with G1 just on the first night and when there is a spot open, so that she can start working to get ICC gear from the first wing, which we have pretty close to being on farm. Things could start to get real exciting for Philly.
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