Philly wanted to show off her Tier 9 shoulders, so we'll start with a photo:
According to the WoW-Heroes rating site, Philly's shadowpriest spec gearscore of 2427 is good enough to get her into Naxxramas, Onyxia, Ulduar, ToC, and barely on the edge of ICC 10 man. Surprisingly, Philly's DISC spec for healing is at 2430, which means that theoretically she could even heal those raids. Philly still has 3-4 pieces of pvp gear equipped, which would probably get her a non-invite to some PUGs, but then again maybe not.
The other big winner of the somewhat limited time over the weekend was EZ. The young shaman blazed through the Hillsbrad Foothills and then across the ocean to Thousand Needles, killing the bad guys, righting wrongs, completing quests, and, of, levelling with her fancy new pair of heirlooms acquired specifically for her. EZ went from level 32 to level 34 and more than halfway to level 35 via questing. EZ then hit the battlegrounds. The queue times were pretty long, but EZ eventually got into an Arathi Basin battle. It was a long, protracted fight. The horde team initially took three bases to the alliance one, but there was no organization at all. When the alliance fought back, half of the horde raiders just hung out at the Mines, defending that one base. Eventually that was the only base held by the horde, giving the allies a four base to one advantage. As the alliance score climbed toward the winning number, the alliance abandoned their bases and just went after kills. Horde recovered some bases but things were far too gone and we lost. A Warsong Gulch match followed that, with a horde team that was just about as bad as the AB one. A pre-made of four horde initially joined. I guess they didn't like what they saw because all four left before the match started. We started with only 8 of 10 pvpers, but soon had a full ten. It was a another long match. We had a good defensive team that made it hard (but not impossible) for the alliance to take the horde flag, but our offense just couldn't get it done. EZ was still level 34 during this match, and yet when we finally lost 3-0 EZ led all the horde in total damage. If your best DPSer in a 30-39 level bracket is a level 34, you know your team is in deep trouble.
EZ was so surprised she took a pic of the final results [PS - Note the healing numbers, too. EZ came in 2nd and EZ was not even trying to heal]:
EZ DINGED to 35 with that last match, though. She's burned up all her rested xp and will need to rest for a day or so before going back at it.
One note for tonight's (Monday) pvp night. At midnight the servers are expected to go down for a 24 hour maintenance period. Assuming we stay up that late, there may be increasing lag and perhaps disconnects as that time approaches. I think the Blizz techies start prepping well before the stated downtime, and that affects game play.
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