Sometime on Sunday Sis popped in game to catch a Wintergrasp battle. She saw that Happy was in game, knew he'd be busy on the Auction House, and so sent him a simple message - "15 minutes." That was shorthand for, "get off the AH so Philly can come run WG with me." Happy didn't want to leave the AH. The buying was furious, and the buyers were plain crazy.
Let's start with large brilliant shards. They sell for around 5-6g usually, in modest but not large numbers. This weekend there was an unusually large demand for them, though, and the price had pushed upward to close to 10g each. One of the AH hounds decided to capture the market, and dropped about 40 shards on the AH at 9g88s. That was the lowest price, so the AH hound figured he'd rake in the gold due to the spike in demand. So Happy dropped 10 shards on the AH at 9g87s, just to get a little of that action, and moved on to check his other items. A minute or so later Happy's shards started getting bought. All of them. Curious, Happy checked on who the buyer was. It was the AH hound, buying up my shards so that he'd still have the lowest price. Happy put ten more up, under bidding him by that one slim silver. He bought them all again. Let me restate something - large brilliant shards sell for under 6g most of the time, and Happy can make a 2g profit on them even at that price. It was crazy, ie stupid, for this AH hound to buy up stock at a price only 1 silver different than what he was selling them for. He loses money every time he does that. Happy put another 10 shards up. He bought them again. Happy is now making 4g for every one this guy buys. Another 10 shards. He buys them again. Maybe he thinks Happy will run out of shards. Happy has a LOT of shards. Another ten shards. He finally gave up. On Monday morning he still had more than thirty shards for sale at 9g88s, but the prices on the AH come down to a more reasonable 6g. Happy posted ten shards for 5g98s, which will net a nice profit, while the AH hound's shards will lay around until they expire. Happy loves his work.
Another example is small radiant shards. Few people farm these shards as it is inconvenient, and turning a profit is chancey. There really is only one reason for buying these shards, and that's by enchanters who have the rare recipe for [Fiery Weapon], which uses these shards. Pvp twinks like this enchant because it can be cast on low level weapons, and since it is a relatively rare recipe to have, the enchant can be sold for a good profit. The outcome of all that is that the price of small radiant shards can vary wildly. Happy keeps an eye of them and buys them up when there is price dumping down to around 1g each. Then Happy waits for a spike in demand and sells them for 2-3g each, depending on how hot the market is. On Friday Happy got an in game mail from an enchanter, who basically said he'd been buying up all Happy's small radiant shards and wanted to cut out the AH all together. He wanted to buy Happy's shards directly, COD through the mail. Happy was a little suspicious, but selling that way avoids the cut the AH takes on every sale, so Happy was willing to give that a try. What the enchanter didn't seem to realize was that all his prior buying had driven up the price, temporarily of course, to almost 7g each. So Happy has now sold thirty shards to him at 6g each (so far), even though the price on the AH has dropped back down to around 2g. I don't think he even looks at the AH price anymore. Wild also has the fiery weapon recipe. Happy checked the selling price, and this enchanter was selling them at 40-50 gold each. Happy had an idea. He got Wild to make a few fiery weapon enchants, and asked another toon (other than Happy) to post them at 40g. So far one has sold, which more than paid for the mats to make them and still netted a nice profit. Happy never lets an opportunity go by.
Then there was this other other AH player . . . shut up, Happy.
And yes, Happy did give up the reins so that Philly could get her Wintergrasp battle.
Philly was in and out of game all weekend, getting in WGs and BGs to build up her honor points. She finally decided, on the advice of Sis, to go after the i264/i245 gear instead of buying into the i232 set and getting the set bonuses. So Sunday night Philly replaced her i200 necklace with an i264 one.
The next two weeks are going to be lean ones for Wild family raiding. I have an evening engagement on Wednesday and will miss that raid. I will also not be making the Friday pvp night as we are taking the RV out for the weekend. We are working up to our big RV trip coming in August. The following week I will be out of town 18-20 May (visiting friends in Palm Springs) and will miss both raid nights, although I think I'll be back in time for that Friday night.
Oh, and remember all that work we've been doing in the house? I finally got around to putting some pictures together.
We pretty much replaced our 20 year old bedroom set with a headboard/bookcase set. We had misgivings about it when we first set it up, but it's grown on us and we like it.
The old bed (and Sheila)
The new bed (and Jason)
The garage was completely unfinished, including the open attic which showed the nails coming through from the roofing tiles. We drywalled everything and added a real ceiling with access the attic. My next chore will be to lay additional flooring in the attic.
The Unfinished Garage
The Finished Garage
Still need to take some pics of all that painting and flooring work we did on the family room. I'll get around to it - eventually.
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