More home projects crowded out WoW over the past few days and will continue through next week. It involves emptying out the garage and a lot of other hard labor better suited to prison chain gangs. And baseball season is nigh upon us and the Padres are making things interesting enough to distract me further. One would think I actually have a real life.
Still, there was some modest action going on in game.
Philly came close to maxing out her pvp honor, but finally got around to visiting the pvp gear npcs, buying level 80 pvp gear to add to her set once she hits level 80. She bought bracers and cape. Her next purchase will likely be the belt, although she is looking at trinkets as well. In addition, Philly and Wild have been making gear for both pvp and pve via Philly's jewelcrafting and Wild's tailoring. Recently Philly added a ring [Runed Mana Band] and a necklace [Sky Sapphire Amulet] to her collection of crafted gear waiting for Philly to get old enough to use them. Philly is 70% of the way to level 79 as of Saturday morning.
Speaking of tailoring, Sis gave Wild a challenge when she asked Wild to make a pair of [Shadowweave Pants]. The level 37 trousers were for Lao. Wild checked his tailoring patterns and he didn't have it. Usually that means there was some requirement (faction rep, dungeon run, quest, etc) required to get it, which Wild must have never got around to doing. Wild did some digging around, which led him to the Undercity. There is a cubbyhole in the Magic Quarter of the Undercity where the tailor npcs hang out. Wild was very familiar with them, though, and knew that he already had every tailoring pattern they offered. Yet Wild's research showed there was another npc there that Wild had never heard of. Wild found the npc on the opposite side of the canal from where the rest of the tailors were (a canal runs in a circle through the Undercity, bisecting the lower floor into an inner section and an outer section). Wild located the npc, and discovered that he offered a whole set of shadowweave gear, including the pants Sis had asked for. Wild has no idea if that npc has always been there, but because he wasn't located where the rest of the tailors were, I never knew to go look for him. Or the npc could have been added after Wild was long past looking for patterns when he arrived there. In any event, Wild got some new tailoring patterns and Sis got her pants for Lao.
Wild is also now working on crafting the largest craftable all purpose bag available, called a [Glacial Bag]. Bags come in a large range of sizes, starting as small as a 4 slot bag. As the game has progressed, bags have gotten larger and larger. Every player gets a standard sized backpack with 16 slots, and has room on his gear to tote another four bags. Probably the most commonly used bag for levelling players is the 16 slot Netherweave bag, which is a cheaper version of what was once the premiere bag in the game, the 16 slot Mooncloth Bag. Note that these bags are the same size as the backpack. The backpack size has never changed, but bags have continued to get larger. Imbued Netherweave bags have 18 slots, and were the largest common all purpose bag in the game until WotLK came out. The new bags with that expansion include the Frostweave Bag, which has 20 slots and is the bag of choice for most level 80 players. The Glacial bag was also introduced (breaking tradition by NOT calling it an Imbued Frostweave Bag, which is kind of what it is). The Glacial bag has 22 slots, and is VERY expensive, in the 500-700 gold range.
With patch 3.3.3 the making of Glacial Bags changed. Prior to the patch the moonshroud and ebonweave mats for the bags could only be crafted once every four days, so it took considerable to time amass the mats needed to make one. That restriction is now gone, and Wild can make as many of those mats as he can afford. However, there is now a restriction on making Glacial bags. A tailor can only make one Glacial Bag - per week. Wild will make his weekly bag, but I haven't decided whether to just sell them, or use them myself.
Oh, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that there is an even larger all purpose bag out there, the largest in the game. There is no crafting involved, and no effort involved in getting your hands on one other than stopping by to visit and paying the price. The bag is sold by Haris Pilton, located at the World's End Tavern in Shattrath. Yes, you read that name correctly - Haris Pilton. Along with some very expensive, useless jewelry, she sells a 24 slot bag called [Portable Hole]. I know it's cheap fun thinking up the worst kind of punch lines for that, but of course I would never do that. By the way, it costs 3,000 gold, or about the cost of five 22 slot glacial bags. Some folks just have to get hold of at least one or two of Haris Pilton's holes, though.
Wild recently stopped by the tavern to say hi to Haris (not that there is anything going on there).
On Friday night we had a short but pretty intense pvp evening. Philly, Sis, and DER fought an excellent Wintergrasp battle. We were on offense and I think taking the fortress by storm is always more fun than defending it. Then the teens crew came in game (Neeky, Staar, and Java) for a Warsong Gulch match that was pretty intense. We crushed them, even though Neeky struggled with lag and Staar struggled with an uncooperative user interface. At the end of the match Staar unexpectedly DINGED to level 20, and his days as a teen pvp god were over.
Philly, Sis, and Sin returned for a 70s bracket WSG. The match was already in progress. The fact that all three of us got into the match meant that the horde team had been short that many, and the results were pretty obvious as the horde was already down 0-2 in flag caps. We made the alliance work hard for that last flag, and gave them some desperate moments as we fought to capture the allie flag, but the match had been long lost before we ever got there.
Wild's suggestion to the guild to rotate raiders between Tuesday and Wednesday nights has generated a few comments, including one that might actually work out so that the Wednesday raid could see those earlier bosses the Tuesday group always clears. Some of the other suggestions were in the area of speeding up the raid in general, and focusing even harder on getting the content down. Wild's suggestion may end up ninjaed by other raid concerns and suggestions, but at least guildies are talking.
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