I thought it might be interesting to talk about the numbers behind a pvp battleground match. And perhaps take some of the sting out of the last pvp post talking about hitting that wall. Because, goodies or not, pvp is still a lot of fun.
The following screenshot is of a winning Warsong Gulch match in the level 19 bracket. The pvp team of Ando, Lao, and EZ did well in this match (what, you think I'd show you one we sucked at? :P )
The flag captures and returns are specific to WSG, and shows who grabbed enemy flags and capped them, and who took away home flags from the enemy and returned them to the base. Flag caps are what win matches, so that is an important stat.
Killing Blows mean just that - a KB means you delivered the blow that ended that opponent's life. Pvpers love to get KBs, although in truth all of the prior damage that led up to the KB is just as important.
That's where Damage Done comes into play. The more damage done, the more likely enemy pvpers are dying, even if one never gets the KB. Note that Ando led all horde pvpers in KBs with 13, but also finished very high (2nd) in damage done. Ando laid waste to those allies!
Healing Done is also a critical stat, often overlooked. Pvpers generally want to kill people, not heal them. Lao was close to dead last in dealing damage and KBs, but that was because she was Ando and EZ's priestly godmother and helped keep them both alive and earning those KBs. Lao led in healing, and as a healer she got credit for it in terms of honor.
Note again that Ando was also second in total healing. That's the flexibility of a druid, and a testament to how good erik is at pvp (and I expect to be paid for that endorsement ;-) ).
Honor gained is the final, and key stat, second only to winning. Honor points can be spent on all kinds of goodies, and this is how it's earned. Note that Lao received 89 honor for her healing, more than either Ando or EZ received for all that mayhem. It's good to be a healer in BGs, but still, most players won't do it.
One last stat - Ando, EZ, and Lao are level 19 and twinks with maxed out gear in a battleground full of under level 19s. We can do that only because we can still earn xp without dinging to level 20, but that will soon end once we get too close to levelling. See the stat Deaths? Note who the only three people are THAT DID NOT DIE. Not even once - Ando, EZ, and Lao. Twinking is fun and addictive. And sometimes one forgets that xp adds up.
When the WSG match ended in victory, Ando discovered that the xp for that victory DINGED! him to level 20. EZ and Lao thought that was hilarious, and we don't plan to ever let him forget it. We do have to figure out what we are going to do now, though. Should we move up to the level 29 bracket? Should erik roll a new toon and level him to 19? Should we forget about brackets and just keep levelling in pvp matches until we make it to level 80? Lao's comment to that last idea had us in stitches: "You know that by the time we could pvp level to 80, the level cap will probably be like 100." But wouldn't that make it all the more fun?
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