Friday, November 30, 2018

Sista Hits Mythic Dungeon Wall

Sista Hits Mythic Dungeon Wall

Sista has been looking over the mats that she will need to craft higher level gear for her guild. It didn't take her long to realize that all of the faults from Legion regarding crafting are still alive and killing the crafting market in Azeroth. Key elements, such as Hydrocore, can only be gathered in Mythic Dungeons, and are rare enough that no regular player outside a large guild could every get the required mats.

In summary, Sista and other players that need crafting mats will have to have guild support to progress.

Once upon a time a single player could level and excel without needing massive support from major guilds. Once upon a time . . .  but not anymore.

Sista plans to go as far as she can at improving her gear. She'll continue to provide such mats as she can, but crafting higher end gear is simply not possible under the restrictions Blizzard has set.

Sista's crafting level is 102/150. Enchanting is 3/150. She will put more effort into Enchanting, since she can still craft Ring and Glove enchants for the guild.

That also means that Chaitee has to pay more attention to Gloom Dust, which is used to make enchants. Sista now has both ring and glove enchants. The rest of the level 120 guildies will get enchants as gloom dust is available.

Gloom dust is currently posted at 24 gold apiece. Chaitee needs to get that cost down. One enchant costs 288 gold at the current price.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Sistaphilia - Will she reach iLevel 120 today?

Sistaphilia - Will she reach iLevel 120 today? 

Here's How it all Fell into Place. PS - And no thanks to the nasty Anathema. Grrr!

She began the morning as an iLevel 119, XP adjusted to 29% toward the goal.
Then she moved up to 50% toward the goal, pausing only to rinse off the blood.
Her next push got her to 55%.

She then left Kul Tiras and sailed to Nazrim. Targets were few, but her destruction still rose to 69%.
She caught on with a loose group and took down another elite - She reached 76%.

Back in Boralas and then Anytown, Sista was hard pressed but ground her way to 93%.

On her last mission as a level 119, Sista pulled two elites (one at a time, of course) and crushed them!

Sista is now officially ranked as an iLevel 120! Guardian Druid.

Her gear score went from 271 to 278 to 282.
Her AP (artifact power) reached level 17 and is 98% of the way to the next level.
Her two-handed staff was upgraded from 263 to 290!

Oh, and who is Anathema? She is the elite all of the family have had trouble surviving. Not because she is that deadly, its because she surrounds herself with multiple mobs of varying types, mixing in with other quests to cause bedlam. Sista has yet to kill her, but swears she'll go back and finish the job.

PS - Sorry for the lack of pics, but in the heat of battle its hard to remember to stop and say "Cheese!"

Cheesy Pics

The Nicest View in Nazmir

The Not-SoUgly Side of Nazmir

Sista at the Bar


Saturday, November 10, 2018

Slamming Down iLevel 118 !!

Slamming Down iLevel 118 !!

Sista is feeling frisky, indeed. Now at iLevel 118, she has only two more rungs to climb to reach the highest level. A wary Tiphaine kept things quiet, wondering why Sista hadn't come back from her trek yet. She was still pushing forward, happy and gore soaked. Her gear score increased to 267, decent, but still short.

On the other hand, Java is livid. She was supposed to get some work. Instead, Sista simply refused to come back from the wilderness. Java, still fuming, asked to take over so she could take her turn. Sista failed to show up. It wasn't until Sista dropped in at the flight pad did Java learn that Sista had reached iLevel 118, two levels ahead of Java.

The Boat in Nazmir
  Hating Nazmir - Sorry, but this is likely going to turn into a rant. Nazmir is one of the three islands in Zandalar, the others being Vol'Dun and Zuldazar. Don't get confused (everyone does) - Zandalar encompases all three islands, and Zuldazar is one of the islands.

Nazmir is full of these winding aireal ramps
  Anyway, the rant is about Nazmir. It's a nasty place of limpid pools, mushy earth, and decay. The decay is everywhere. Everything is wet and icky. None of that is a problem for Sista, who has finally gotten around to entering Nazmir. The main base is near worthless. There is a flight path but little else. Oh, there is a small boat that only goes to Boralus.

Most starting areas provide guidance to get started, but she got little help there. She struck out on her own, following squishy pathways. She did well early on, getting kills and learning. The central area is in multiple layers. There is ground zero, which is deep in the earth, a middle area that looks almost normal, and then there is a crazy profusion of twisting paths that rise into the sky, all of which have huts and enemy denizens. Seriously, Sista has to fight constantly and respawning is almost constant. She once counted killing the same groups three and four times while trying to figure out this maze.

Sista took all this in stride, and had soon earned a few quests. The problem that Sista suddenly found herself in is that the quests done are done in one area, but they must be turned in at another area. Remember those three levels mentioned earlier? There is no sane way to get from where the quests are completed and where they must be turned in. Sista has died three times now trying to find out how to get to where the quests are turned in.  

Sista is persistent. Her bloody battles faced level 118 killers in bunches that had her struggling to stay alive. Then she had a prescient moment. All this time she has been fighting as a bear for defensive reasons, and completely left out the other half of the battle - her healing! In two following battles that would have killed her, Sista went Healer, earning time with heals so she could kill her attackers. It took some work to re-remember her defensive skills, but now she will make good use of them.

Sista is 42% of the way to iLevel 119. However, she has yet to improve on her gear, still stuck at 267. Not even Chaitee could find proper gear upgrades for her.

Update - Sista is 50% of the way to iLevel 119.