Two Tales in the Spotlight
Chaitee Wrestles with the Auction House
Keya Wreaking Havoc in Aszuna
Chaitee Wrestles with the Auction House
Chaitee is a lot worried. This week has been a bad one for the Auction House. Embersilk bags and Silkweave satchels are not selling at anywhere near normal levels. Mat costs are also rising, which further discourages crafters. The glut of unsold bags is also due to a flood of cheap frostweave bags. Compare the 22 slot embersilk bag for sale at 455g, and the 24 slot silkweave at 609g, to the 20 slot frostweave which sells at 223g, and one sees that there is a major problem. Reducing the price of the higher end bags runs into the high cost of making them, and the result is stalemate. The highest end 30 slot hexweave bags have their own built in limiter in that only a limited number of Draenor mats can be produced per day. Overall it's a mess and the weekend isn't likely to fix things.
Chaitee has seen bad times before. When she first took over the AH, she was given 215k gold to manage. She masterfully grrew that amount to 390k gold with a steady stream of purchases and sales while still providing whatever funds were needed. The guild expects the largesse to continue, but Chaitee's current goal of 400k gold in the bank by the end of the weekend is in jeopardy. As of Friday she has 396k gold. Looks like an easy goal, but Chaitee hasn't mentioned that earlier in the week that number had been 402k gold. She's losing ground, not gaining. She still has a safety net of funds should things continue to worsen, but the purse strings will tighten if the downturn gets worse. And guildies will start to feel the pinch.
Saturday morning brought an interesting change in status. The glut of cheap frostweave bags came to an end. Chaitee smiled at the empty bins where bags were piled only hours before. Chaitee took immediate action, flooding her own stack of bags while changing the price from 223g to 265g. If the Saturday crowd is as avid for frostweave bags as Friday's group, Chaitee will be off to a good start.
She is also monitoring the mat situation. Farmers haven't yet weighed in with their crafting goods. Sista has consumed everything she has and all of her crafted bags of frostweave, embersilk, silkweave, and even hexweave are all up on the AH at top pricing. Hypnotic dust, normally hard to get, is arriving on the AH in its' own small flood. Attempts to capitalize on it with high prices (40-50g each) haven't worked out well for the sellers, but have helped Chaitee with her embersilk bag crafting. Several hundred are on the market, and she'll scoop them up as soon as the price drops under 25g. As oftern happens, though, there is now a shortage of embersilk cloth. That created an opening for the silkweavers, who have been raising their mat prices and squeezing Chaitee's profits.
Chaitee should also mention cloak enchants, which was a very nice seller not too long ago, back when leylight shards were selling around 60g apiece. Chaitee needs 20 of them (total cost 1200g) to make an enchant and could sell them for around 1500g. Leylight prices rose steeply and will likely stay there because getting them requires disenchanting high level items mostly gathered from raids and dungeons. Leylights cost varies but is usually around 70 to 90g each and 1800g for the enchant, but still sell for a loss around 1200-1500g. It's an unstable market and most of the time Chaitee has to sit on the sideline.
Sunday begins the end of the weekend. There was some early good news when a seller dropped a dozen leylight shards at the bargain basement price of 60g each (usually 90g+). That will gain her at least two cloak enchants to sell at a profit. On the other hand, Chaitee is weighing a major decision on hypnotic dust, which has been unusually available for the past week. Chaitee makes a practice of buying all she can get her hands on whenever the price drops to 25g or less. Chaitee has spent several thousand gold to horde what she's bought, yet the AH is still flush with the dust at that 25g price. Should she buy up the rest of them, knowing that the influx can't last forever? Or does she wait and see if the price falls even further? Her gold stash has slipped down to 386k gold due to all of the buying. putting her 14k gold in the hole (what she needs to reach 400k gold).
Chaitee is a gambler. There is far too much hypnotic dust still sitting in the AH. The price has dipped just slightly below the 25g "buy" criteria, it's lowest point in two weeks. She has enough dust to make ten embersilk bags now, but she'd like more than that. Buy the rest of the dust on the AH at 25g each? No, Chaitee decides. She's in a gambling mood. She will wait and see if the price falls further to 20g. At that price she plans to buy it all. PS - Her ace in the hole is the fact that her mailbox is full with her sales, with 38 more posts waiting in line. Let's see if her gamble pays off.
Final Word: Chaitee breathes a great sigh of relief that the weekend is over. Her take coming into the new week took four passes through the mailbox to complete:
Starting point 384k gold -> First Pass 396k -> Second Pass 403k (met goal) -> Third Pass 414k gold (new record haul). Chaitee earned 30k gold overall.
Keya Wreaking Havoc in Aszuna
Keya hasn't been idle. She is actively pursuing quests and world events to collect AP for her weapon and add better gear. She made small progress on her gear, raising her overall gear score from i815 to i816. She made some fine purchases from the AH on Friday, but that was blunted when she could have waited and gotten them for free as she plows through quests. She could have saved some gold if she had just waited for drops - an i825 chest, i810 boots, and an i830 belt went unused because she had paid the AH for better or equal gear. Anyway, Keya decided she'll keep the boots for her collection. She didn't earn it through fishing, but Keya wore them briefly while fishing so she can say they were used.
Keya has 3,468 APs toward her next artifact. Most of the AP came from two class hall missions. Keya wanted to take the Vial of Swirling Shadow quest offered as well, but then she learned that it leads to a raid event, another dead end for non-raiders/dungeoneers. That didn't stop Keya. She spent the day hunting those blue exclamation points on the map showing world quests. With every elite and world quest falling to her purposeful assault, she was able to raise her AP to 6,698. Still over 2,000 short of gaining a rank, but getting closer. Keya was also able to collect an i825 relic to replace her i793. When all was properly equiped, Keya raised her warblades to i811 and her overall gear level to i817.
Meanwhile, Keya says her day may be done, but she is still on the prowl tonight. She completed two missions in the evening, bringing her AP to 7,975. She needs 857 AP to reach the next rank. Her ferocity extended across the breadth of Aszuna. When she finally flew home to Dalaran she was still flying high with adrenaline.
"Nothing could stop me tonight!" She boasted. Given her success on the evening, she had a right to boast. Keya raised her arms into the air, hands gripping six pieces of gear from her gear set that now has all new, better replacements:
Two i795 Necklaces, replaced by i820 Mana Pearl Choker
i815 Shoulder, replaced by i825 Dreadleather Shouldergaurd
i815 footpads, replaced by i820 Dreadleather Footpads
Headpiece i810, replaced by i840 Purified Vison of Sargaras Helm
Cloak i825, replaced by i855 Aristocrates Winter Drape
Keya's overall gear score is now i821.
After all of that mayhem, the night could have ended on a sour note. Keya picked up a powerful quest -Soul Prism of the Illidari. The task requires collecting 80 soul fragments . . . from the final bosses in dungeons. Dungeons! Wow, nothing like rubbing it in.
Keya just laughed.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Tormented Warblades
Tormented Warblades
When demon hunters first came into being, Keya made a lot of mistakes with her warblade talents and traits. She wasted a lot of artifact power on things that were not central to getting the best setup. Amusingly, it took the fishing artifact, which is a much simpler model than the weapon artifact, before keya started to understand somewhat how it works. She thought that she had to find things like Soul Carver, etc, in order to add them to her weapon. It finally dawned on her that the links would fill themselves in as she completed prior pieces of the puzzle.
Now that her main fishing goals are complete, she can focus more on her blades. Below is the "perfect" artifact map for a demon hunter. As you will see below, Keya's real lineup looks nothing like it.
Keya's Artifact Weapon: Soul Carver --> Tormented Souls --> Shatter the Souls (2/3)
And that's as far as Keya got with the "right" layout.
So, Keya has to pretty much ignore what she's done before and follow the correct thread from now on. Once she has enough AP to get Souls (3/3) she can then go after the next in line, which is Siphon Power. I assume, based on the fishing artifact, that Siphon Power will light up once Souls is completed. It takes a whopping 8,000 plus AP for each rank.
Keya grudgingly agreed to also show the many things she did wrong, wasting AP that should have been spent better: She needs 14 ranks to get back on schedule. That is a huge outlay of AP she must earn (126,000). On the positive side, all those ranks she's already spent on the backside of the map now come into play. Once she's reached Charred Warblades, she will need only two more ranks to completely fill her artifact weapon, because she has already spent 13, albeit out of sequence. In the end, when all the holes are filled, it won't matter how she got there.
There's one question she's not sure of. She has a bunch of relics in her bank. Is there any way to use them? I read somewhere that I should always use the highest level relic regardless of the specific traits. I tried to replace a 783 relic with a 785, but learned that relics are of different types and I can only change like relic types. I hope I have that right.
So, as with fishing, Keya's plan is to collect as much AP as she can to fill out her weapon. Fishing up AP is pretty easy compared with killing things, but then Keya greatly prefers to be killing things. Blood stinks less than fish guts.
When demon hunters first came into being, Keya made a lot of mistakes with her warblade talents and traits. She wasted a lot of artifact power on things that were not central to getting the best setup. Amusingly, it took the fishing artifact, which is a much simpler model than the weapon artifact, before keya started to understand somewhat how it works. She thought that she had to find things like Soul Carver, etc, in order to add them to her weapon. It finally dawned on her that the links would fill themselves in as she completed prior pieces of the puzzle.
Now that her main fishing goals are complete, she can focus more on her blades. Below is the "perfect" artifact map for a demon hunter. As you will see below, Keya's real lineup looks nothing like it.
Keya's Artifact Weapon: Soul Carver --> Tormented Souls --> Shatter the Souls (2/3)
And that's as far as Keya got with the "right" layout.
So, Keya has to pretty much ignore what she's done before and follow the correct thread from now on. Once she has enough AP to get Souls (3/3) she can then go after the next in line, which is Siphon Power. I assume, based on the fishing artifact, that Siphon Power will light up once Souls is completed. It takes a whopping 8,000 plus AP for each rank.
Keya grudgingly agreed to also show the many things she did wrong, wasting AP that should have been spent better: She needs 14 ranks to get back on schedule. That is a huge outlay of AP she must earn (126,000). On the positive side, all those ranks she's already spent on the backside of the map now come into play. Once she's reached Charred Warblades, she will need only two more ranks to completely fill her artifact weapon, because she has already spent 13, albeit out of sequence. In the end, when all the holes are filled, it won't matter how she got there.
There's one question she's not sure of. She has a bunch of relics in her bank. Is there any way to use them? I read somewhere that I should always use the highest level relic regardless of the specific traits. I tried to replace a 783 relic with a 785, but learned that relics are of different types and I can only change like relic types. I hope I have that right.
So, as with fishing, Keya's plan is to collect as much AP as she can to fill out her weapon. Fishing up AP is pretty easy compared with killing things, but then Keya greatly prefers to be killing things. Blood stinks less than fish guts.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Respect for the Past
Respect for the Past (four parts)
Wisdom of Lohfal (last part)
This is the last quest of four to gain full access to Keya's Leatherworking. Definitely one of the most frustrating set of quests in memory. The quests themselves are never the problem - the problem is always how to get to it. This quest is supposed to take place in Highmountain. However, depending on where Keya is currently at, the location could be Highmountain, Stormheim, or Suramar.
I finally started watching you tube videos of the quest. I hate them because they are almost always poor quality and hard to follow. I did find one that worked for me. The quest is unbelievably complicated with a seemingly endless choice of wrong paths, dead ends, and sudden drop offs, while the mountains being climbed just get taller and narrower, covered in ice and lined with slippery ice bridges. Just watching the video brought out my fear of heights. Keya was so nervous she sweated despite the sub-zero temperature. And that's just from watching the video.
For the real thing, Keya decided to return to Thunder Totem, Highmountain as their base. Using the utube as a guide, Keya followed the video directions. We played stop and go, switching between the video and Keya's movements, taking a section at a time, and with stops in between. Following that trail would be a nice challenge even without the pressure of finishing the quest. Things got nasty at the end. Keya had to scale a slippery ice crag while batting at angry demons. She overshot her final hurdle and for a moment I thought she was going to fly right over the edge and off the mountain. Keya regained her balance quickly and sank to the ground, inches from a very long fall. Keya then - carefully - walked to the edge of the precipice where a piece of leather was stretched tight. She collected her quest. Finally.
Now that it's done and she's safe (but still feeling a chill in her bones), Trainer Hrul Sharphoof had something more to say back at Thunder Totem. He thanked Keya for allowing him to teach Keya the ways of leather working. Keya then hearthed to Dalaran and reported to Namha Moonwater. Is her training fulfilled? Of course not. Namha now wants Keya to further her arts by learning how to use demon hide, something that probably means she'll be skinning demons. That kind of work is likely done in Suramar.
Wisdom of Lohfal (last part)
This is the last quest of four to gain full access to Keya's Leatherworking. Definitely one of the most frustrating set of quests in memory. The quests themselves are never the problem - the problem is always how to get to it. This quest is supposed to take place in Highmountain. However, depending on where Keya is currently at, the location could be Highmountain, Stormheim, or Suramar.
I finally started watching you tube videos of the quest. I hate them because they are almost always poor quality and hard to follow. I did find one that worked for me. The quest is unbelievably complicated with a seemingly endless choice of wrong paths, dead ends, and sudden drop offs, while the mountains being climbed just get taller and narrower, covered in ice and lined with slippery ice bridges. Just watching the video brought out my fear of heights. Keya was so nervous she sweated despite the sub-zero temperature. And that's just from watching the video.
For the real thing, Keya decided to return to Thunder Totem, Highmountain as their base. Using the utube as a guide, Keya followed the video directions. We played stop and go, switching between the video and Keya's movements, taking a section at a time, and with stops in between. Following that trail would be a nice challenge even without the pressure of finishing the quest. Things got nasty at the end. Keya had to scale a slippery ice crag while batting at angry demons. She overshot her final hurdle and for a moment I thought she was going to fly right over the edge and off the mountain. Keya regained her balance quickly and sank to the ground, inches from a very long fall. Keya then - carefully - walked to the edge of the precipice where a piece of leather was stretched tight. She collected her quest. Finally.
Now that it's done and she's safe (but still feeling a chill in her bones), Trainer Hrul Sharphoof had something more to say back at Thunder Totem. He thanked Keya for allowing him to teach Keya the ways of leather working. Keya then hearthed to Dalaran and reported to Namha Moonwater. Is her training fulfilled? Of course not. Namha now wants Keya to further her arts by learning how to use demon hide, something that probably means she'll be skinning demons. That kind of work is likely done in Suramar.
Calm Waters
Calm Waters
Keya is making steady progress with her Underlight artifact improvements. She experimented with fishing in different zones, but her best success is in Aszuna, where she can catch the hermit, the cursed queenfish, and the blenny. She can now walk on water, so finding and fishing in pools is easier. Open waters are still the primary method of fishing since pools spawn only sporadically.
Keya has struggled to master the water walking talent. To walk on water, you have to have the underlight pole equipped and you must start on dry land. Then you can walk onto the water. It doesn't work if you are already in the water. The talent is sometimes fussy, having to come in and out of the water a few times before the talent kicks in. Even then, the talent only allows walking speed while on the water. Swimming underwater is much simpler. Just equip the fishing pole, dive in and become a fast swimming fish at 168% speed.
Keya is currently working on making enough AP to earn the chance to get a pair of boots via the "Better Luck Next Time" quest. So far other fishers have gotten grey level boots and one person says he dragged up a pair of green level boots. My guess is that better boots will come over time, perhaps even a legendary. Well, one can always hope.
Bad Wednesday - Two hours of fishing in her favorite spots got Keya absolutely nothing. Even when she was successful she failed. Only once did she get a basket of fish, which usually has fish that can be farmed for AP. She got five fish, but they were ordinary cursed queenfish. It seems the rules keep changing.
So Keya switched strategies and went to Stormheim instead. She fished four pools and caught one rare, an axefish. One her fifth pool she hit the jackpot, catching eight seabottom squid without a basket. I'm beginning to think that fishing up rares works only once a day in each zone.
Okay, the gods have blessed Keya! She flew to Whitewater Wash in Highmountain, the locale of Nessingway's Retreat . There she caught a mountain puffer . . . and then another, and another! Eight minutes of catching those puffers and she had FOURTEEN of them! Looks like time to go feed the artifact fountain! It also bolsters Keya's suspicion that it's better to fish rares once in each zone for best results.
Further confirmation came when Keya tried her luck in Suramar as well. There she simply followed the river. There was no avoiding the local fauna, so she slaughtered her way to each fishing pool. They were numerous and Keya's luck was very good. She got ten rare Magic-eater frogs as well as eleven leyscale koi (ancient mana fish).
Keya also discovered that the fishing gods have a sense of humor. Keya is after rare legendary boots, which may one day drop from fishing with the underlight pole. Since Keya acquired the talent she's caught EIGHT pairs of boots. Keya is going to keep track of all of her "boot catches" to see how many she fishes up until something good catches her line.
Keya's Boot Storage: Keya is storing one pair of boots for each unique type she snags, and recording the number of times a duplicate pair shows up. All of the boots found so far are i369 grey gear.
Sunbleached Sandals - 3
Weatherworn Boots - 2
Warped-plate Stompers - 1
Rust Encrusted Sabatons - 1
Keya has now maxed her artifact talents. Her 12th and final talent gives her additional stealth capability while she fishes. She will still need to collect APs to max out fishing requirements for each zone, but essentially, she has completed Artifact Fishing.
Maybe Keya should think about how to improve her artifact weapon, too?
Keya is making steady progress with her Underlight artifact improvements. She experimented with fishing in different zones, but her best success is in Aszuna, where she can catch the hermit, the cursed queenfish, and the blenny. She can now walk on water, so finding and fishing in pools is easier. Open waters are still the primary method of fishing since pools spawn only sporadically.
Keya has struggled to master the water walking talent. To walk on water, you have to have the underlight pole equipped and you must start on dry land. Then you can walk onto the water. It doesn't work if you are already in the water. The talent is sometimes fussy, having to come in and out of the water a few times before the talent kicks in. Even then, the talent only allows walking speed while on the water. Swimming underwater is much simpler. Just equip the fishing pole, dive in and become a fast swimming fish at 168% speed.
Keya is currently working on making enough AP to earn the chance to get a pair of boots via the "Better Luck Next Time" quest. So far other fishers have gotten grey level boots and one person says he dragged up a pair of green level boots. My guess is that better boots will come over time, perhaps even a legendary. Well, one can always hope.
Bad Wednesday - Two hours of fishing in her favorite spots got Keya absolutely nothing. Even when she was successful she failed. Only once did she get a basket of fish, which usually has fish that can be farmed for AP. She got five fish, but they were ordinary cursed queenfish. It seems the rules keep changing.
So Keya switched strategies and went to Stormheim instead. She fished four pools and caught one rare, an axefish. One her fifth pool she hit the jackpot, catching eight seabottom squid without a basket. I'm beginning to think that fishing up rares works only once a day in each zone.
Okay, the gods have blessed Keya! She flew to Whitewater Wash in Highmountain, the locale of Nessingway's Retreat . There she caught a mountain puffer . . . and then another, and another! Eight minutes of catching those puffers and she had FOURTEEN of them! Looks like time to go feed the artifact fountain! It also bolsters Keya's suspicion that it's better to fish rares once in each zone for best results.
Further confirmation came when Keya tried her luck in Suramar as well. There she simply followed the river. There was no avoiding the local fauna, so she slaughtered her way to each fishing pool. They were numerous and Keya's luck was very good. She got ten rare Magic-eater frogs as well as eleven leyscale koi (ancient mana fish).
Keya also discovered that the fishing gods have a sense of humor. Keya is after rare legendary boots, which may one day drop from fishing with the underlight pole. Since Keya acquired the talent she's caught EIGHT pairs of boots. Keya is going to keep track of all of her "boot catches" to see how many she fishes up until something good catches her line.
Keya's Boot Storage: Keya is storing one pair of boots for each unique type she snags, and recording the number of times a duplicate pair shows up. All of the boots found so far are i369 grey gear.
Sunbleached Sandals - 3
Weatherworn Boots - 2
Warped-plate Stompers - 1
Rust Encrusted Sabatons - 1
Keya has now maxed her artifact talents. Her 12th and final talent gives her additional stealth capability while she fishes. She will still need to collect APs to max out fishing requirements for each zone, but essentially, she has completed Artifact Fishing.
Maybe Keya should think about how to improve her artifact weapon, too?
Monday, February 20, 2017
The Underlight Angler Photo Gallery
The Underlight Angler Photo Gallery
The Underlight Angler is not just a fishing pole, it's an artifact of many purposes. It looks very much like an artifact weapon. It uses artifact power to buy improvements, but it is much less complicated. Upgrading the Angler is done at the Dalaran Fountain. Yep. There is a whirling ball hovering over the fountain. When the angler is equipped and close to the fountain, clicking on it displays the artifact map.
Artifact power is gained by fishing rare fish. Each rare fish returned to the water adds 50 AP. Keya has already earned two traits - Undercurrent, which locates fishing pools; and Bloodfishing, which gives a chance to catch a Blood of Sargeras. There are some nice traits, such as underwater breathing and walk on water.
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Mahakeya with her Underlight Angler |
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Conjuerer Margoss Island |
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Fishing at the Island |
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Fishing at Sunset |
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Moonlight Fishing |
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Getting Wet and Stinky |
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Keya in front of Artifact Fountain with Marcia |
The Underlight Angler is not just a fishing pole, it's an artifact of many purposes. It looks very much like an artifact weapon. It uses artifact power to buy improvements, but it is much less complicated. Upgrading the Angler is done at the Dalaran Fountain. Yep. There is a whirling ball hovering over the fountain. When the angler is equipped and close to the fountain, clicking on it displays the artifact map.
Artifact power is gained by fishing rare fish. Each rare fish returned to the water adds 50 AP. Keya has already earned two traits - Undercurrent, which locates fishing pools; and Bloodfishing, which gives a chance to catch a Blood of Sargeras. There are some nice traits, such as underwater breathing and walk on water.
Winning the Underlight Angler
Winning the Underlight Angler
Keya went back to her favorite fishing spot in Aszuna, the Grey Shoals. There are a few elites around but they don't bother anyone. The little river there empties into the ocean, although you have to go out into deep water before the river becomes The Great Sea.
Many days ago Keya caught the rare Axefish, an ocean fish, in that little river. That success encouraged Keya that here the rare barracuda could also be caught. However, she was a bit anxious about her chances with the barracuda because she had already failed in one attempt caused by a fly. Yep, a fly.
Trying not to think about her prior failure, she went about her business. She fished out two black barracuda schools with no luck, but she continued to fish using her Arcane Lures. Fishing is a slow process, but eventually she got her first clue, a Message in a Bottle. A glob of whale blubber followed. The blubber attracted a fly which Keya caught! She then used the fly for bait.
She was on a five minute timer and she continued to fish for two minutes with no luck. She suddenly remembered that the fish HAD be caught in open water. Keya opened an elixer of water walking and ran out of the little river into the ocean. She didn't have to go very far before sighting the great sea. On her third cast standing on top of the water, she caught the Ancient Black Barracuda!
Keya has completed the quest "Bigger Fish to Fry." Next up is the quest, Luminous Pearl. Keya must fish up this pearl from a fishing pool. It took many pools and about 45 minutes before Keya caught a Luminous Pearl. Keya brought the pearl to Khadgar. Frankly, he wasn't very interested, but suggested a trip to the Dalaran Fountain might be worthwhile.
At the fountain, Keya was supposed to get the quest Fish Frenzy from Nat Pagle, but Keya dawdled too long at the fountain with Marcia, the fishing expert. Not to worry, though, Pagle eventually found her. From there Nat took Keya into a scenario to kill about a hundred murlocs and then fish about eight pools. Finally, Keya took on an elite murloc in a deep underwater hole. With Nat's help they killed it. Keya and Nat Pagle returned to the fountain and Pagle presented Keya with her own Underlight Fishing pole, an i750 pole that has +60 fishing skill and can instantly place her at the nearest fishing pool within 100 yards. The fishing pole is actually an artifact that can be upgraded. Keya is only just starting to figure out how to make that work.
AND, it is truly AWESOME looking! Pictures will be coming.
Keya went back to her favorite fishing spot in Aszuna, the Grey Shoals. There are a few elites around but they don't bother anyone. The little river there empties into the ocean, although you have to go out into deep water before the river becomes The Great Sea.
Many days ago Keya caught the rare Axefish, an ocean fish, in that little river. That success encouraged Keya that here the rare barracuda could also be caught. However, she was a bit anxious about her chances with the barracuda because she had already failed in one attempt caused by a fly. Yep, a fly.
Trying not to think about her prior failure, she went about her business. She fished out two black barracuda schools with no luck, but she continued to fish using her Arcane Lures. Fishing is a slow process, but eventually she got her first clue, a Message in a Bottle. A glob of whale blubber followed. The blubber attracted a fly which Keya caught! She then used the fly for bait.
She was on a five minute timer and she continued to fish for two minutes with no luck. She suddenly remembered that the fish HAD be caught in open water. Keya opened an elixer of water walking and ran out of the little river into the ocean. She didn't have to go very far before sighting the great sea. On her third cast standing on top of the water, she caught the Ancient Black Barracuda!
Keya has completed the quest "Bigger Fish to Fry." Next up is the quest, Luminous Pearl. Keya must fish up this pearl from a fishing pool. It took many pools and about 45 minutes before Keya caught a Luminous Pearl. Keya brought the pearl to Khadgar. Frankly, he wasn't very interested, but suggested a trip to the Dalaran Fountain might be worthwhile.
At the fountain, Keya was supposed to get the quest Fish Frenzy from Nat Pagle, but Keya dawdled too long at the fountain with Marcia, the fishing expert. Not to worry, though, Pagle eventually found her. From there Nat took Keya into a scenario to kill about a hundred murlocs and then fish about eight pools. Finally, Keya took on an elite murloc in a deep underwater hole. With Nat's help they killed it. Keya and Nat Pagle returned to the fountain and Pagle presented Keya with her own Underlight Fishing pole, an i750 pole that has +60 fishing skill and can instantly place her at the nearest fishing pool within 100 yards. The fishing pole is actually an artifact that can be upgraded. Keya is only just starting to figure out how to make that work.
AND, it is truly AWESOME looking! Pictures will be coming.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Shattrath Fishing - Really? Read On
Shattrath Fishing - Really? Read On
Hunting Down the Ghostly Queenfish and Ancient Black Barracuda
Two rare fish stand - ahem - swim between Keya and achieving "A Cast Above the Rest" for catching all eighteen rare fish and completing the quest "Bigger Fish to Fry," the first part to earning the Underlight Angler.
Keya spent an unproductive couple of hours in Stormheim fishing for the barracuda. She caught two other rare fish that she aleady had. The elite shark Steelscale swam within head knocking distance and she killed it just for fun. Keya took it's fin, but I don't know what it's for. She did get a little work in killing crabs along the shore when she got too bored to fish. The crabs drop stormscale that sell for 15-20 gold each. Chaitee was happy to get them.
But no rare barracuda. She was out of lures so she returned to Dalaran and fished drowned mana for awhile. It was boring, but she persisted until she had enough fish for eighty minutes with the special lure.
Wait, what's the meaning of this "first part" business? There's more to do after catching all those rare fish? Drat! Once Keya catches the last two rare fish, she still must complete the following quest threads:
Luminous Pearl
The Dalaran Fountain
Fish Frenzy
So, the grind continues, but Keya is reluctant to get all slippery and stinky again. She decided to take a break that still related to fishing. She is currently using a fishing pole, appropriately named Strong Fishing Pole, which can be purchased for a song at most vendors. The pole adds +5 to fishing expertise.
Wild is the great fisheman of the family and has earned many of the best poles in the game. Keya turned to Wild for suggestions on what poles she should be looking for to increase her skill. Keya didn't want to go through long questlines or other extended requirements. She would be satisfied with a pole that included +15 or better skill. Wild lovingly brought out his best fishing poles: The Jeweled Fishing Pole (+30), Nat Pagles' Extreme Angler (+20), and his favorite, the Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole (+30).
Wild looked a bit sad as he brought them out of storage. Wild was careless in his youth and lacked the vision to understand that he should have kept all of his fishing poles for the sake of posterity. Instead, Wild discarded older, less useful poles. Too bad. Fist and Jezi both use the Nat Pagle model that Wild has, but Fist also has the Darkwood Fishing Pole (+15).
Keya nodded and made impressive noises at the selection. Wild knew none of those would suit Keya's purpose. "There are two poles that you have the best chance to get quickly."
Keya started to ask, but Wild interjected with a sigh. "Both of those poles present a problem, however. You'd have been better off if you were of Horde affiliation."
"Why?" Keya demanded.
"Because the +20 Big Iron Fishing Pole is earned by catching shellfishtraps off the coast Desolace. Yes, Desolace," Wild repeated.
"Desolace is Horde territory." Keya thought a moment. "And the other?"
Wild shrugged. "That would be the Nat Pagle model. But there's a catch."
"And that is?" Keya patiently asked.
"This surf casting gear is acquired in the Hinterlands from a quest provided by "Katoom the Angler" at Revantusk Village. Just skewer 15 Saltwater Snapjaw turtles and Katoom will hand over one of Nat Pagle's finest reels." Wild paused.
"Another Horde territory and a horde quest giver. Great." Keya shook her head. "What else do ya got?"
Wild had to think for a minute. "Well, there is another possibility, and it looks easy, at least on the surface." Wild smiled at his little water joke.
Keya yawned.
"I never got around to getting it, but Seth's Graphite Fishing Pole is a +20 pole that also includes +52 stamina. That was quite impressive numbers at the time. Seth can be found in Shattrath, neutral territory, and the pole can be had via a quest calling for eight Pristine Shimmerscale eels."
When Keya hesitated, Wild added. "There are other options, such as the Mastercraft. There is a quest thread to complete, but at your level, Keya, you should complete it quickly."
Keya thought about it. "I'll try Shattrath first." Keya went deep into the heart of Dalaran and located the Shattrath Portal. Once in Shattrath she easily found the quest giver, Seth, and got the quest, "Rather Be Fishing." Keya took flight to a pool just outside the walls of the city and killed eels until she had the eight required. Then back to Seth. Keya now has Seth's Graphite Fishing Pole. It's a simple looking pole, but makes a great upgrade. The whole adventure took less than twenty minutes.
A smiling Keya headed back out to do some more fishing with her new pole.
As good as the new fishing pole is, Keya's luck turned bad. Keya tried catching the Ancient Black Barracuda in Stormheim, Highmountain, and the Broken Isles with no luck. She went far to the northern end of the island, to Shipwreck Cove. Taking flight down a steep mountain to the Cove, she landed in the midst of a great battle, facing numerous enemies and forced to kill an elite before she could get out of the way. Keya went so far as to plead with Rakta to make her some water walking elixers so she could fish on the open water of the Great Sea. She had no luck, there, either. Keya lost the better part of a day, ending in frustration.
Then came the night. Keya went to the Grey Shoals in Aszuna (33,37), the same area where she caught the Axefish. She came hoping for inspiration. Keya fished one pool, and found the rusty queenfish brooch needed to catch the Ghostly Queenfish. She caught one. Ahem, actually, she caught eleven of them. Supposedly there's a way to sell them, but Keya hasn't figured that out, yet. And then she fished up a second rusty queenfish brooch, which I know can be sold. From nothing to riches.
One rare fish to go. Keya is now hunting the Ancient Black Barracuda.
Hunting Down the Ghostly Queenfish and Ancient Black Barracuda
Two rare fish stand - ahem - swim between Keya and achieving "A Cast Above the Rest" for catching all eighteen rare fish and completing the quest "Bigger Fish to Fry," the first part to earning the Underlight Angler.
Keya spent an unproductive couple of hours in Stormheim fishing for the barracuda. She caught two other rare fish that she aleady had. The elite shark Steelscale swam within head knocking distance and she killed it just for fun. Keya took it's fin, but I don't know what it's for. She did get a little work in killing crabs along the shore when she got too bored to fish. The crabs drop stormscale that sell for 15-20 gold each. Chaitee was happy to get them.
But no rare barracuda. She was out of lures so she returned to Dalaran and fished drowned mana for awhile. It was boring, but she persisted until she had enough fish for eighty minutes with the special lure.
Wait, what's the meaning of this "first part" business? There's more to do after catching all those rare fish? Drat! Once Keya catches the last two rare fish, she still must complete the following quest threads:
Luminous Pearl
The Dalaran Fountain
Fish Frenzy
So, the grind continues, but Keya is reluctant to get all slippery and stinky again. She decided to take a break that still related to fishing. She is currently using a fishing pole, appropriately named Strong Fishing Pole, which can be purchased for a song at most vendors. The pole adds +5 to fishing expertise.
Wild is the great fisheman of the family and has earned many of the best poles in the game. Keya turned to Wild for suggestions on what poles she should be looking for to increase her skill. Keya didn't want to go through long questlines or other extended requirements. She would be satisfied with a pole that included +15 or better skill. Wild lovingly brought out his best fishing poles: The Jeweled Fishing Pole (+30), Nat Pagles' Extreme Angler (+20), and his favorite, the Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole (+30).
Wild looked a bit sad as he brought them out of storage. Wild was careless in his youth and lacked the vision to understand that he should have kept all of his fishing poles for the sake of posterity. Instead, Wild discarded older, less useful poles. Too bad. Fist and Jezi both use the Nat Pagle model that Wild has, but Fist also has the Darkwood Fishing Pole (+15).
Keya nodded and made impressive noises at the selection. Wild knew none of those would suit Keya's purpose. "There are two poles that you have the best chance to get quickly."
Keya started to ask, but Wild interjected with a sigh. "Both of those poles present a problem, however. You'd have been better off if you were of Horde affiliation."
"Why?" Keya demanded.
"Because the +20 Big Iron Fishing Pole is earned by catching shellfishtraps off the coast Desolace. Yes, Desolace," Wild repeated.
"Desolace is Horde territory." Keya thought a moment. "And the other?"
Wild shrugged. "That would be the Nat Pagle model. But there's a catch."
"And that is?" Keya patiently asked.
"This surf casting gear is acquired in the Hinterlands from a quest provided by "Katoom the Angler" at Revantusk Village. Just skewer 15 Saltwater Snapjaw turtles and Katoom will hand over one of Nat Pagle's finest reels." Wild paused.
"Another Horde territory and a horde quest giver. Great." Keya shook her head. "What else do ya got?"
Wild had to think for a minute. "Well, there is another possibility, and it looks easy, at least on the surface." Wild smiled at his little water joke.
Keya yawned.
"I never got around to getting it, but Seth's Graphite Fishing Pole is a +20 pole that also includes +52 stamina. That was quite impressive numbers at the time. Seth can be found in Shattrath, neutral territory, and the pole can be had via a quest calling for eight Pristine Shimmerscale eels."
When Keya hesitated, Wild added. "There are other options, such as the Mastercraft. There is a quest thread to complete, but at your level, Keya, you should complete it quickly."
Keya thought about it. "I'll try Shattrath first." Keya went deep into the heart of Dalaran and located the Shattrath Portal. Once in Shattrath she easily found the quest giver, Seth, and got the quest, "Rather Be Fishing." Keya took flight to a pool just outside the walls of the city and killed eels until she had the eight required. Then back to Seth. Keya now has Seth's Graphite Fishing Pole. It's a simple looking pole, but makes a great upgrade. The whole adventure took less than twenty minutes.
A smiling Keya headed back out to do some more fishing with her new pole.
As good as the new fishing pole is, Keya's luck turned bad. Keya tried catching the Ancient Black Barracuda in Stormheim, Highmountain, and the Broken Isles with no luck. She went far to the northern end of the island, to Shipwreck Cove. Taking flight down a steep mountain to the Cove, she landed in the midst of a great battle, facing numerous enemies and forced to kill an elite before she could get out of the way. Keya went so far as to plead with Rakta to make her some water walking elixers so she could fish on the open water of the Great Sea. She had no luck, there, either. Keya lost the better part of a day, ending in frustration.
Then came the night. Keya went to the Grey Shoals in Aszuna (33,37), the same area where she caught the Axefish. She came hoping for inspiration. Keya fished one pool, and found the rusty queenfish brooch needed to catch the Ghostly Queenfish. She caught one. Ahem, actually, she caught eleven of them. Supposedly there's a way to sell them, but Keya hasn't figured that out, yet. And then she fished up a second rusty queenfish brooch, which I know can be sold. From nothing to riches.
One rare fish to go. Keya is now hunting the Ancient Black Barracuda.
Friday, February 17, 2017
Auction House Treatise
Auction House Treatise
Warning - May Cause Heavy Eyelids to Close
Chaitee is betting that the Auction House will pick up speed as the weekend looms closer. Chaitee's offers are not getting any attention because prices have remained below the cost to make them. This phenomenon is not unusual due to the time lags between farming the mats to make items and when those items actually reach the Auction House.
On the surface it appears that Chaitee is overstocked and over priced. But in the often strange ways of buyers and sellers, Chaitee knows she has to wait patiently for low ball items to sell before her own offerings, at much higher prices, will become of interest. The trick is to know when the pricing is ripe to shift. One great example was last week, when Chaitee pushed a run on hexweave bags. These bags can be made in only limited amounts and price out around 800g each. Chaitee got her hands on nine of those bags for a wonderful 725 gold each. Chaitee could have sold all of those bags right away at 850g. But she didn't. She watched, calculating that she had a short window of opportunity where she was the only provider of those bags. Chaitee raised the price of the bags one sale at a time. The last five bags sold for over 1200g each.
Chaitee is hoping for a similar run on Silkweave Satchels. Chaitee's embersilk bags are currently overpriced (Chaitee prices hers at 455g but currently selling at 398g), but once her competitors sell the cheap ones, and they will, Chaitee will own that market at the higher price as well as feed into the even higher priced satchels. If it plays out like Chaitee expects, she will be selling satchels at 525g each or better. At least that's the plan. Otherwise she'll be left "holding the bags."
Chaitee has a backup plan if/when things go way wrong. She uses a trick to ensure she always has gold available for the dicier business dealings. In a nutshell, Chaitee doesn't always put her gold in the bank after getting sales. She sets a percentage aside that she uses to supplement periods where profit is low. In that way Chaitee rarely has to dip directly into the bank and take out funds. It's a slow process, but Chaitee makes sure that more gold is always flowing into the bank than coming out of it. Example: Chaitee is currently holding 36 sales in the inbox, each of which are worth at a minimum of 500g. She'll winnow that large package down to 10-15 sales by the end of the weekend, and that will fuel next week's take as well as purchases to restock items sold.
Chaitee will continue her discussion and greedy habits thoughout the weekend.
Warning - May Cause Heavy Eyelids to Close
Chaitee is betting that the Auction House will pick up speed as the weekend looms closer. Chaitee's offers are not getting any attention because prices have remained below the cost to make them. This phenomenon is not unusual due to the time lags between farming the mats to make items and when those items actually reach the Auction House.
On the surface it appears that Chaitee is overstocked and over priced. But in the often strange ways of buyers and sellers, Chaitee knows she has to wait patiently for low ball items to sell before her own offerings, at much higher prices, will become of interest. The trick is to know when the pricing is ripe to shift. One great example was last week, when Chaitee pushed a run on hexweave bags. These bags can be made in only limited amounts and price out around 800g each. Chaitee got her hands on nine of those bags for a wonderful 725 gold each. Chaitee could have sold all of those bags right away at 850g. But she didn't. She watched, calculating that she had a short window of opportunity where she was the only provider of those bags. Chaitee raised the price of the bags one sale at a time. The last five bags sold for over 1200g each.
Chaitee is hoping for a similar run on Silkweave Satchels. Chaitee's embersilk bags are currently overpriced (Chaitee prices hers at 455g but currently selling at 398g), but once her competitors sell the cheap ones, and they will, Chaitee will own that market at the higher price as well as feed into the even higher priced satchels. If it plays out like Chaitee expects, she will be selling satchels at 525g each or better. At least that's the plan. Otherwise she'll be left "holding the bags."
Chaitee has a backup plan if/when things go way wrong. She uses a trick to ensure she always has gold available for the dicier business dealings. In a nutshell, Chaitee doesn't always put her gold in the bank after getting sales. She sets a percentage aside that she uses to supplement periods where profit is low. In that way Chaitee rarely has to dip directly into the bank and take out funds. It's a slow process, but Chaitee makes sure that more gold is always flowing into the bank than coming out of it. Example: Chaitee is currently holding 36 sales in the inbox, each of which are worth at a minimum of 500g. She'll winnow that large package down to 10-15 sales by the end of the weekend, and that will fuel next week's take as well as purchases to restock items sold.
Chaitee will continue her discussion and greedy habits thoughout the weekend.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Think Like A Fish
Think Like A Fish
PS - Yes, this too long to read.
Mahakeya is getting a little bit frustrated at this fishing business. She made no headway at all the past two days toward catching those last six rare fish. It wasn't from lack of trying. Three times she thought she had one, but each time they managed to elude the sting of steel through flesh. What is truly annoying is the lack of good information about these fish. Sure, there are plenty of ideas and "can't fail" guidance. The problem is that they do fail, and no two guides are the same. Keya prides herself on her patience, but an hour of throwing a lure into the water only to come up empty is, well, maddening.
One example is Keya's target for today, the Ancient Highmountain Salmon. I went to three places for guidance on catching it. None of the three sources said the same thing. There is a lure involved, but one source calls it a snail lure and another source calls it a drogbar. The snail lure may also be called a Funky Sea Snail. Drogbar might be the same as Bitestone Fishbrul. I read somewhere that this guy "Spawns when the short buff from Funky Sea Snail wears off" and attacks whoever is close by, even if not fishing. Sigh. In what order these things spawn and which name is the right one is a blind guess. The only thing that seems consistent is that Keya knows she has a chance of a catch if she sees the two minute timer. Every rare fish Keya has caught entailed a two minute timer. That still doesn't mean the fish will be caught, only that there is a chance.
Even more frustrating is the areas where there are more than one rare fish, and two types spawn and overlap, which is an almost certain failure. That's happened twice so far - two hours wasted.
Keya is returning to Dalaran and the Morgass island to restock on the drowned mana she uses to slightly improve the speed at which fish are caught. She's currently in Highmountain. Wish her luck. She needs a lot of it.
Keya is following streams and fishing. (1) Her first attempt netted her a Frost Worm, but did not result in a rare fish catch. (2) The second attempt got her a swollen murloc egg, the murloc fled, and Keya caught a Mountain Puffer, a rare fish she already has. (3) On her third attempt, she caught another Mountain Puffer. Crazy.
(4) The fourth attempt never took place. The computer started slowing down and fishing became impossible. Thinking it was a problem with the computer, I did a restart. When I opened Blizzard I got the message that the authentication servers were having trouble. Bliz is investigating.
(5) Bliz cleared the problem and Keya went back to fishing. She picked out a fishing hole that had already been staked out by a nasty looking mob. Keya killed it and jumped into a nearby boat to continue fishing. Drogbar showed up and sat around watching Keya fish. Then a Funky Snail showed up and asked to be thrown into the water. A two minute timer started up. The timer ended and Keya got a little nervous. Then a second, five minute timer started up and in a couple of minutes more Drogbar returned, jumped into the boat and attacked. He was actually fairly tough, but Keya took him out. Her reward? Keya earned the Ancient Highmountain Salmon. Finally, a success.
(6) Only five more to go. Still in Highmountain, but now facing the ocean. The Funky Snail showed up again, but Keya ignored it. (7) Then she got a Frost Worm. Keya is starting to wonder if she's not in an area that is considered "ocean." There isn't any way to tell. (8) Another skrog plus a murloc attack and TWO leyshimmer blennys which Keya has already. Another bust in an area supposed to be for ocean fish. (9) Keya is heading for Suramar which she hears is a good spot for ocean fish. She hears a rumor that you know you are there because it will say "the great sea." She'll check it out. (10) A catch! Seabottom Squid! This was a tough one. Keya had to fight a "stunned, angry shark" that climbed out of the water. Keya killed it, but just barely. Great fight and Keya is one fish closer. And then another angry shark turned up. Then a sleeping murloc.
Okay, Keya has been swimming and flying around the waters edges of Suramar and finally she sees a sight other than Suramar. She is now in Seaspray Cliffs. Still unsure if she is at the ocean despite a horizon lined with water. (11) Keya had to buy water walking in order to find a spot that actually said "The Great Seas." In ten minutes of fishing she caught only trash fish. Keya has to wonder if she's doing something wrong. On the other hand, maybe the only way to fish in the ocean is by being able to walk on water or have a raft or something similar.
Keya patted herself on the back for winning two more rare fish, but disappointed at the lack of progress on the ocean fish. Keya called it for the day.
And yes, she took a looong bath. Still, Chaitee walked past with her nose pinched closed.
On the off chance that someone is still here reading this, Keya needs only four more rare fish catches.
PS - Yes, this too long to read.
Mahakeya is getting a little bit frustrated at this fishing business. She made no headway at all the past two days toward catching those last six rare fish. It wasn't from lack of trying. Three times she thought she had one, but each time they managed to elude the sting of steel through flesh. What is truly annoying is the lack of good information about these fish. Sure, there are plenty of ideas and "can't fail" guidance. The problem is that they do fail, and no two guides are the same. Keya prides herself on her patience, but an hour of throwing a lure into the water only to come up empty is, well, maddening.
One example is Keya's target for today, the Ancient Highmountain Salmon. I went to three places for guidance on catching it. None of the three sources said the same thing. There is a lure involved, but one source calls it a snail lure and another source calls it a drogbar. The snail lure may also be called a Funky Sea Snail. Drogbar might be the same as Bitestone Fishbrul. I read somewhere that this guy "Spawns when the short buff from Funky Sea Snail wears off" and attacks whoever is close by, even if not fishing. Sigh. In what order these things spawn and which name is the right one is a blind guess. The only thing that seems consistent is that Keya knows she has a chance of a catch if she sees the two minute timer. Every rare fish Keya has caught entailed a two minute timer. That still doesn't mean the fish will be caught, only that there is a chance.
Even more frustrating is the areas where there are more than one rare fish, and two types spawn and overlap, which is an almost certain failure. That's happened twice so far - two hours wasted.
Keya is returning to Dalaran and the Morgass island to restock on the drowned mana she uses to slightly improve the speed at which fish are caught. She's currently in Highmountain. Wish her luck. She needs a lot of it.
Keya is following streams and fishing. (1) Her first attempt netted her a Frost Worm, but did not result in a rare fish catch. (2) The second attempt got her a swollen murloc egg, the murloc fled, and Keya caught a Mountain Puffer, a rare fish she already has. (3) On her third attempt, she caught another Mountain Puffer. Crazy.
(4) The fourth attempt never took place. The computer started slowing down and fishing became impossible. Thinking it was a problem with the computer, I did a restart. When I opened Blizzard I got the message that the authentication servers were having trouble. Bliz is investigating.
(5) Bliz cleared the problem and Keya went back to fishing. She picked out a fishing hole that had already been staked out by a nasty looking mob. Keya killed it and jumped into a nearby boat to continue fishing. Drogbar showed up and sat around watching Keya fish. Then a Funky Snail showed up and asked to be thrown into the water. A two minute timer started up. The timer ended and Keya got a little nervous. Then a second, five minute timer started up and in a couple of minutes more Drogbar returned, jumped into the boat and attacked. He was actually fairly tough, but Keya took him out. Her reward? Keya earned the Ancient Highmountain Salmon. Finally, a success.
(6) Only five more to go. Still in Highmountain, but now facing the ocean. The Funky Snail showed up again, but Keya ignored it. (7) Then she got a Frost Worm. Keya is starting to wonder if she's not in an area that is considered "ocean." There isn't any way to tell. (8) Another skrog plus a murloc attack and TWO leyshimmer blennys which Keya has already. Another bust in an area supposed to be for ocean fish. (9) Keya is heading for Suramar which she hears is a good spot for ocean fish. She hears a rumor that you know you are there because it will say "the great sea." She'll check it out. (10) A catch! Seabottom Squid! This was a tough one. Keya had to fight a "stunned, angry shark" that climbed out of the water. Keya killed it, but just barely. Great fight and Keya is one fish closer. And then another angry shark turned up. Then a sleeping murloc.
Okay, Keya has been swimming and flying around the waters edges of Suramar and finally she sees a sight other than Suramar. She is now in Seaspray Cliffs. Still unsure if she is at the ocean despite a horizon lined with water. (11) Keya had to buy water walking in order to find a spot that actually said "The Great Seas." In ten minutes of fishing she caught only trash fish. Keya has to wonder if she's doing something wrong. On the other hand, maybe the only way to fish in the ocean is by being able to walk on water or have a raft or something similar.
Keya patted herself on the back for winning two more rare fish, but disappointed at the lack of progress on the ocean fish. Keya called it for the day.
And yes, she took a looong bath. Still, Chaitee walked past with her nose pinched closed.
On the off chance that someone is still here reading this, Keya needs only four more rare fish catches.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Underlight Angler Update
Underlight Angler Update
Keya had only seven of the eighteen rare fish she needed as the weekend ended. By the end of the night on Monday, however, that number had swelled to twelve. All three of the Suramar fish were easy catches despite having to kill the occasional soldiers that policed the area she was fishing. Keya still needs to catch the last six of the rare fish:
Aszuna: Nar'thalas Herrmit, Ghostly Queenfish
Highmountain: Ancient Highmountain Salmon
Ocean: Axefish, Seabottom Squid, Ancient Black Barracuda
The Aszuna fish are proving to be the most difficult to catch, which is frustrating since they are in the easiest of the zones. Keya plans to tackle the ocean fish to get them off her list, and then focus on the final, difficult three. She can level fishing to the max 800 any time she wants, now, but there's no reason to bother while there are still fish to catch.
Chaitee is wearing a big grin this morning, but it could have been the opposite. Much of the weekend was a bust, Auction House wise, right up until the dam broke and Chaitee started raking in the gold. She had dithered over buying 6,000 gold in hypnotic dust for sale. She eventually backed out and that was a good thing. Prices should go down with the weekend over. She did break another record for stashing gold. Chaitee may eventually surpass the great auction house guru, Happyface. But he stills rules the roost. At least for now.
PS - Yes, Keya stinks of fish guts. But it's a good stink. Wanta go fishin'?
Keya had only seven of the eighteen rare fish she needed as the weekend ended. By the end of the night on Monday, however, that number had swelled to twelve. All three of the Suramar fish were easy catches despite having to kill the occasional soldiers that policed the area she was fishing. Keya still needs to catch the last six of the rare fish:
Aszuna: Nar'thalas Herrmit, Ghostly Queenfish
Highmountain: Ancient Highmountain Salmon
Ocean: Axefish, Seabottom Squid, Ancient Black Barracuda
The Aszuna fish are proving to be the most difficult to catch, which is frustrating since they are in the easiest of the zones. Keya plans to tackle the ocean fish to get them off her list, and then focus on the final, difficult three. She can level fishing to the max 800 any time she wants, now, but there's no reason to bother while there are still fish to catch.
Chaitee is wearing a big grin this morning, but it could have been the opposite. Much of the weekend was a bust, Auction House wise, right up until the dam broke and Chaitee started raking in the gold. She had dithered over buying 6,000 gold in hypnotic dust for sale. She eventually backed out and that was a good thing. Prices should go down with the weekend over. She did break another record for stashing gold. Chaitee may eventually surpass the great auction house guru, Happyface. But he stills rules the roost. At least for now.
PS - Yes, Keya stinks of fish guts. But it's a good stink. Wanta go fishin'?
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Getting Some Serious Fishing
Getting Some Serious Fishing
Keya remains determined to earn the Underlight Angler fishing pole. She has seven of the eighteen rare fish that she must catch: Leyshimmy Blenny, Thorned Flounder, Greybelly Lobster, Mountain Puffer, Coldriver Carp, Thundering Stormray, and her latest from Stormheim, Terrorfin. Eleven more to go. She also raised her fishing skill to 600. Keya already has the means to almost reach max level 800 thanks to what I think is a bug. Each rare catch can be tossed back into the water to gain five fishing skill. When Keya caught the Thorned Flounder, her subsequent catches included another Thorned Flounder, which shouldn't have happened. She caught 25 of those fish, each of them worth five skill ups. That's 125 skill ups. Add the 55 skill ups from catching the 11 rare fish she still needs, that's 180 skill ups, just 25 casts short of earning max level 800. Keya is in no hurry, though. Her focus is still to catch those final 11 rare fish.
Here is the list of rare fish Required:
Caught as of 2017-02-10
Aszuna -
Leyshimmy Blenny (caught)
Nar'thalas Herrmit
Ghostly Queenfish
Val'sharah -
Terrorfin (caught)
Thorned Flounder (caught)
Ancient Mosgill
Highmountain -
Ancient Highmountain Salmon
Coldriver Carp (caught)
Mountain Puffer (caught)
Stormheim -
Greybelly Lobster (caught)
Thundering Stormrey (caught)
Suramar -
Tainted Runescale Koi
Seerspine Puffer
Magic-eater Frog
Ocean -
Seabottom Squid
Ancient Black Barracuda
Note above - tough fight
Coming up - Keya will finally take the plunge into the last area of the Broken Isles - Suramar. Survival may become front and center, instead of fishing, if she is to make it in that highest level zone. Her i809 gear level will certainly be challenged. She's also a little concerned about her warblades, which are still at i803 and haven't been upgraded in a long time. Keya needs to find out how to improve her weapons - if possible.
Keya remains determined to earn the Underlight Angler fishing pole. She has seven of the eighteen rare fish that she must catch: Leyshimmy Blenny, Thorned Flounder, Greybelly Lobster, Mountain Puffer, Coldriver Carp, Thundering Stormray, and her latest from Stormheim, Terrorfin. Eleven more to go. She also raised her fishing skill to 600. Keya already has the means to almost reach max level 800 thanks to what I think is a bug. Each rare catch can be tossed back into the water to gain five fishing skill. When Keya caught the Thorned Flounder, her subsequent catches included another Thorned Flounder, which shouldn't have happened. She caught 25 of those fish, each of them worth five skill ups. That's 125 skill ups. Add the 55 skill ups from catching the 11 rare fish she still needs, that's 180 skill ups, just 25 casts short of earning max level 800. Keya is in no hurry, though. Her focus is still to catch those final 11 rare fish.
Here is the list of rare fish Required:
Caught as of 2017-02-10
Aszuna -
Leyshimmy Blenny (caught)
Nar'thalas Herrmit
Ghostly Queenfish
Val'sharah -
Terrorfin (caught)
Thorned Flounder (caught)
Ancient Mosgill
Highmountain -
Ancient Highmountain Salmon
Coldriver Carp (caught)
Mountain Puffer (caught)
Stormheim -
Greybelly Lobster (caught)
Thundering Stormrey (caught)
Suramar -
Tainted Runescale Koi
Seerspine Puffer
Magic-eater Frog
Ocean -
Seabottom Squid
Ancient Black Barracuda
Note above - tough fight
Coming up - Keya will finally take the plunge into the last area of the Broken Isles - Suramar. Survival may become front and center, instead of fishing, if she is to make it in that highest level zone. Her i809 gear level will certainly be challenged. She's also a little concerned about her warblades, which are still at i803 and haven't been upgraded in a long time. Keya needs to find out how to improve her weapons - if possible.
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Ravencrest's Legacy
Ravencrest's Legacy
Ravencrest's Legacy is the final part of a long quest thread that leads into a seven stage scenario. The entire event takes place at Black Rock Hold in Val'sharah. Keya had planned to do some fishing in the area around the Hold, but one thing led to another and she found herself taking the bridge and entering the fortress. She killed a few hanger's on and did a little looking around. There are a number of named bad guys hanging around and Keya killed a couple just to see how tough they were. Fairly easy prey. She did some more investigating, and that's when she first set eyes on the ramparts where things were about to get a lot more interesting.
Keya discovered that she was no longer Keya. Instead, the person on the ramparts was Illidan Stormrage. He was leading a dangerous thrust into the heart of the Hold. Illidan first canvassed the Hold until he found a deactivated moon guard portal. He activated the portal, which gave him a constant source of power so long as he stayed close to it. He was also able to summon five soldiers to help him.
At the other end of the rampart was another figure well known to Illidan. The wizard Xalian Flelblaze opposed Illidan, denying him access to the deeper reaches of the Hold. They fought. And Illidan failed. It wasn't all his fault, though. Illidan is not given much to work with, just his staff. Other weapons he would have to earn. The entire scene is badly bugged, as are most of the elements of this scenario. Death by buggy code is the most deadly part.
After dying many times (which is pointed out annoyingly in cut scenes after each bloody massacre) Illidan starts to acquire some spells to combat Xalian, and after more failures Illidan finally kills Xalian.
Keya took break and came back to the scene of the crime later that day. Fortunately, Xalian had stayed dead. Illidan moved on to another rampart packed with bad guys stacked like sardines. Named mobs also met Illidan's staff, tough but not at Xalian's level of evil. Illidan gained a nasty weapon of his own, named Arcane Syphon, that literally syphons the life out of his merry men. Seriously ghoulish. For that grisly deed Illidan was granted Stormrage, aother spell specializing in blowing gobs of mobs into bloody pieces. That part was actually fun. And it mostly worked. Mostly. The slaughter gave Illidan time to locate a second portal, refresh his health, and order up a new set of five bodyguards.
This is where it turned really ugly. There seemed to be an endless stream of killer monsters to wade through, Illidan couldn't keep up, falling behind on his use of Stormrage, so his posse all died, and we all waited through another cut scene telling us we were all dead. Which we already knew.
From that point it became a gauntlet and a pel mel rush to reach the third portal where healing was possible. That frantic charge got a replay at least half a dozen times, each time trying something else to get Illidan close enough to attack Nilihan, a level 3 elite blob of green fel surrounded on all sides by it's minions. Illidan and his cohorts were all vomiting green in failure after failure. Finally, Illidan was able to launch Fury of the Cosmos, destroying the portal held open by Nilihan. At this point I wasn't sure if Nilihin was defeated in battle or if the monster was blown to bits when the portal was blown. Dead is dead, though.
Of course, there was still more. Filling the spot vacated by Nilihin is Balaadur, who makes all the rest of the monster museum look like toys. There were furious explosions. Illidan bolted through the last portal and jumped down into the arena. Illidan earned his last and best weapon, Collapsing Star, and Baaladur died on the first attempt.
Overall it took me three trips to Black Rock Hold and many hours of repeated attempts, but Keya ultimately finished the scenario. That victory got her to gear level i810.
Oh yea, then she went fishing.
Ravencrest's Legacy is the final part of a long quest thread that leads into a seven stage scenario. The entire event takes place at Black Rock Hold in Val'sharah. Keya had planned to do some fishing in the area around the Hold, but one thing led to another and she found herself taking the bridge and entering the fortress. She killed a few hanger's on and did a little looking around. There are a number of named bad guys hanging around and Keya killed a couple just to see how tough they were. Fairly easy prey. She did some more investigating, and that's when she first set eyes on the ramparts where things were about to get a lot more interesting.
Keya discovered that she was no longer Keya. Instead, the person on the ramparts was Illidan Stormrage. He was leading a dangerous thrust into the heart of the Hold. Illidan first canvassed the Hold until he found a deactivated moon guard portal. He activated the portal, which gave him a constant source of power so long as he stayed close to it. He was also able to summon five soldiers to help him.
At the other end of the rampart was another figure well known to Illidan. The wizard Xalian Flelblaze opposed Illidan, denying him access to the deeper reaches of the Hold. They fought. And Illidan failed. It wasn't all his fault, though. Illidan is not given much to work with, just his staff. Other weapons he would have to earn. The entire scene is badly bugged, as are most of the elements of this scenario. Death by buggy code is the most deadly part.
After dying many times (which is pointed out annoyingly in cut scenes after each bloody massacre) Illidan starts to acquire some spells to combat Xalian, and after more failures Illidan finally kills Xalian.
Keya took break and came back to the scene of the crime later that day. Fortunately, Xalian had stayed dead. Illidan moved on to another rampart packed with bad guys stacked like sardines. Named mobs also met Illidan's staff, tough but not at Xalian's level of evil. Illidan gained a nasty weapon of his own, named Arcane Syphon, that literally syphons the life out of his merry men. Seriously ghoulish. For that grisly deed Illidan was granted Stormrage, aother spell specializing in blowing gobs of mobs into bloody pieces. That part was actually fun. And it mostly worked. Mostly. The slaughter gave Illidan time to locate a second portal, refresh his health, and order up a new set of five bodyguards.
This is where it turned really ugly. There seemed to be an endless stream of killer monsters to wade through, Illidan couldn't keep up, falling behind on his use of Stormrage, so his posse all died, and we all waited through another cut scene telling us we were all dead. Which we already knew.
From that point it became a gauntlet and a pel mel rush to reach the third portal where healing was possible. That frantic charge got a replay at least half a dozen times, each time trying something else to get Illidan close enough to attack Nilihan, a level 3 elite blob of green fel surrounded on all sides by it's minions. Illidan and his cohorts were all vomiting green in failure after failure. Finally, Illidan was able to launch Fury of the Cosmos, destroying the portal held open by Nilihan. At this point I wasn't sure if Nilihin was defeated in battle or if the monster was blown to bits when the portal was blown. Dead is dead, though.
Of course, there was still more. Filling the spot vacated by Nilihin is Balaadur, who makes all the rest of the monster museum look like toys. There were furious explosions. Illidan bolted through the last portal and jumped down into the arena. Illidan earned his last and best weapon, Collapsing Star, and Baaladur died on the first attempt.
Overall it took me three trips to Black Rock Hold and many hours of repeated attempts, but Keya ultimately finished the scenario. That victory got her to gear level i810.
Oh yea, then she went fishing.
Monday, February 6, 2017
Mahakeya is Back
Mahakeya is Back
Demon Hunter Keya is now the official fisherwoman of the family, a chore she didn't think she would like. She figured to make the best of it, though. At least she would be working. She made her way through Dalaran to edge of the floating city. Just beyond the city is a small floating island called Margoss's Retreat, the abode of Conjurer Margoss and his apprentice, Blythe. Margoss is a fisherman, and he can handle the normal requirements of the fishing profession. He is more than just that, however. Here on this island one can fish for drowned mana, a powerful aid to getting the holy grail of fishing in Legion, the Underlight Angler fishing pole.
Keya is not going to try to describe the monumental process of earning the Underlight Angler. Thousands of fish will be caught over many days and maybe weeks. Every zone in Legion will be fished and numerous, extremely rare fish must be caught using rare types of bait. It is a task set for the most patient of adventurers.
If fishing was all that was entailed, Keya would have to admit that her patience had limits. So Keya expanded her duties. Whenever the mood struck her or when she came across a juicy world quest, she set aside her fishing pole to go after those goals. Her fishing pole was always available and the rivers, ponds, and oceans abundant and ready to hand whenever the fishing bug drove her.
She began as a novice fisher, and now has made it to level 550 on her journey to the max 800. On the way, Keya has killed elite monsters, gained artifact power for her weapons, and improved her gear from i793 to her latest piece of gear pushing her to i805. The Legion World can keep her from completing many professions, but they can't stop her fishing and they can't stop her from attacking any and all world quests within her reach. She remains shut out of many quests that require dungeon/raid runs, yet continues to find ways to complete quests and winnow down the number of quests still yammering for resolution. And she's having fun.
For recording purposes, Keya has fished up four pieces of the fishing pole challenge: Rusty Queenfish Broach, Leyshimmy Blenny, Graybelly Lobster, and Thorned Flounder.
Late entry - Chaitee couldn't help crowing about a huge windfall that dropped into her lap this morning. Hypnotic dust has been trading at around 25-30 gold each. It takes 15 of those to craft an embersilk bag and farming them is slow and difficult. For the past two days the AH was empty of them. Bless those folks who don't pay attention to such things. Someone dropped 200 hypnotic dust on the AH just before I was about to sign off. Buying them at 30g each would cost 6,000 gold. It wasn't posted at 30g. It was posted at 3g. The poster might not have known the value . . . OR, it could have been a typo. Chaitee made a very swift purchase for all 200 at 600 gold instead of the 6,000 gold value. I can't imagine the poster didn't know the value given the hours of immense effort it took to farm that many. Ironically, the poster's name is "Diehappy." Chaitee is the only happy one in that exchange.
A great start to a new week.
Demon Hunter Keya is now the official fisherwoman of the family, a chore she didn't think she would like. She figured to make the best of it, though. At least she would be working. She made her way through Dalaran to edge of the floating city. Just beyond the city is a small floating island called Margoss's Retreat, the abode of Conjurer Margoss and his apprentice, Blythe. Margoss is a fisherman, and he can handle the normal requirements of the fishing profession. He is more than just that, however. Here on this island one can fish for drowned mana, a powerful aid to getting the holy grail of fishing in Legion, the Underlight Angler fishing pole.
Keya is not going to try to describe the monumental process of earning the Underlight Angler. Thousands of fish will be caught over many days and maybe weeks. Every zone in Legion will be fished and numerous, extremely rare fish must be caught using rare types of bait. It is a task set for the most patient of adventurers.
If fishing was all that was entailed, Keya would have to admit that her patience had limits. So Keya expanded her duties. Whenever the mood struck her or when she came across a juicy world quest, she set aside her fishing pole to go after those goals. Her fishing pole was always available and the rivers, ponds, and oceans abundant and ready to hand whenever the fishing bug drove her.
She began as a novice fisher, and now has made it to level 550 on her journey to the max 800. On the way, Keya has killed elite monsters, gained artifact power for her weapons, and improved her gear from i793 to her latest piece of gear pushing her to i805. The Legion World can keep her from completing many professions, but they can't stop her fishing and they can't stop her from attacking any and all world quests within her reach. She remains shut out of many quests that require dungeon/raid runs, yet continues to find ways to complete quests and winnow down the number of quests still yammering for resolution. And she's having fun.
For recording purposes, Keya has fished up four pieces of the fishing pole challenge: Rusty Queenfish Broach, Leyshimmy Blenny, Graybelly Lobster, and Thorned Flounder.
Late entry - Chaitee couldn't help crowing about a huge windfall that dropped into her lap this morning. Hypnotic dust has been trading at around 25-30 gold each. It takes 15 of those to craft an embersilk bag and farming them is slow and difficult. For the past two days the AH was empty of them. Bless those folks who don't pay attention to such things. Someone dropped 200 hypnotic dust on the AH just before I was about to sign off. Buying them at 30g each would cost 6,000 gold. It wasn't posted at 30g. It was posted at 3g. The poster might not have known the value . . . OR, it could have been a typo. Chaitee made a very swift purchase for all 200 at 600 gold instead of the 6,000 gold value. I can't imagine the poster didn't know the value given the hours of immense effort it took to farm that many. Ironically, the poster's name is "Diehappy." Chaitee is the only happy one in that exchange.
A great start to a new week.
Friday, February 3, 2017
Legion's Failure - Denying Solo Journeying
Legion's Failure - Denying Solo Journeying
The Wild Family and their extensive cast of characters have been living and dying on the world of Azeroth since the world was invented back in 1995, and stretches across all twelve years the world has been in existence. In all that time there have always been ways to be successful. There are a "legion" of players who prefer to journey alone, working on professions and doing quests.With the Legion expansion the solo path has been blocked and nearly all bridges burned.
Here is one clip from hundreds of posts on the forums. "Blizzard has gone overkill on the "go do a dungeon" push. The straw that broke this camel's back was having an archaeology quest end with "go do Darkheart Thicket". However, it has been building for quite some time, with class hall campaigns I'm not finishing because "go do a dungeon", and professions I'm not getting anywhere in because "go do a dungeon". I was going to come back for 7.2, but I've realized how little of that I'll actually get to enjoy because ... "go do our new dungeon and go do those dungeons you skipped."
Because Wild and Sista and the rest of the team prefer not to do dungeons and raids, most profession leveling can no longer be completed. This is the first time Azreroth has laid down that arbitrary rule. The edict also affects flying. No one in the family will ever fly in Legion zones.
Wild finally stopped doing group runs when he burned out doing endless LFR runs. The game has done a good job of making it incredibly easy to get groups together to do group content. That ease came at a price, however. Those players that can and want to do group runs to get their needs completed use the LFR and in many cases abuse it.
It's not that anyone hates raids and dungeons. The history of the family proves beyond doubt the heroic work completed in every facet of raids of dungeons. Wild was successful in both raids and dungeons with the guild Meitha for many years. But this should be a choice decision, not a mandated one. Sista is the most frustrated of all because she has tried the hardest to do the things that prior family members were able to do before Legion. She has been denied the ability to work on her professions, blocked by five quests that MANDATE completing a dungeon or raid before proceeding.
Here is a common complaint from the forums: "From the few dungeons I did do in completing my class campaign on 3 110s, the group interaction was pretty non existant anyways. Everyone queues to instance. People start pulling mobs, things die, loot drops, people exit instance. No speaking, nothing. About the only interaction we had was being in the same place at the same time with a somewhat common goal. There wasn't even much of a sense of accomplishment after defeating the dungeon. Just seemed like "dungeon 5/10 completed. bye."
Sista will still be around to make the few mats she has for tailoring and an even smaller ability with enchants. Mahakeya is going to get more active, although it will still be a sedentary task. The Fishing Profession is one profession that doesn't require a dungeon or raid. I'd like to get the nice fishing pole and Keya will get it for me. Java is Level 102 and will get time leveling and getting her mining and herbing professions completed. At least I think that gathering professions are exempt from requiring dungeon runs, but she wouldn't be surprised if there are. I hope everyone likes posts about the auction house and and wonders of fishing. There won't be much else.
Pulsefyre stamps her feet, hoping to get noticed. She wants a chance to grow into a warlock. She is level 24.
The Wild Family and their extensive cast of characters have been living and dying on the world of Azeroth since the world was invented back in 1995, and stretches across all twelve years the world has been in existence. In all that time there have always been ways to be successful. There are a "legion" of players who prefer to journey alone, working on professions and doing quests.With the Legion expansion the solo path has been blocked and nearly all bridges burned.
Here is one clip from hundreds of posts on the forums. "Blizzard has gone overkill on the "go do a dungeon" push. The straw that broke this camel's back was having an archaeology quest end with "go do Darkheart Thicket". However, it has been building for quite some time, with class hall campaigns I'm not finishing because "go do a dungeon", and professions I'm not getting anywhere in because "go do a dungeon". I was going to come back for 7.2, but I've realized how little of that I'll actually get to enjoy because ... "go do our new dungeon and go do those dungeons you skipped."
Because Wild and Sista and the rest of the team prefer not to do dungeons and raids, most profession leveling can no longer be completed. This is the first time Azreroth has laid down that arbitrary rule. The edict also affects flying. No one in the family will ever fly in Legion zones.
Wild finally stopped doing group runs when he burned out doing endless LFR runs. The game has done a good job of making it incredibly easy to get groups together to do group content. That ease came at a price, however. Those players that can and want to do group runs to get their needs completed use the LFR and in many cases abuse it.
It's not that anyone hates raids and dungeons. The history of the family proves beyond doubt the heroic work completed in every facet of raids of dungeons. Wild was successful in both raids and dungeons with the guild Meitha for many years. But this should be a choice decision, not a mandated one. Sista is the most frustrated of all because she has tried the hardest to do the things that prior family members were able to do before Legion. She has been denied the ability to work on her professions, blocked by five quests that MANDATE completing a dungeon or raid before proceeding.
Here is a common complaint from the forums: "From the few dungeons I did do in completing my class campaign on 3 110s, the group interaction was pretty non existant anyways. Everyone queues to instance. People start pulling mobs, things die, loot drops, people exit instance. No speaking, nothing. About the only interaction we had was being in the same place at the same time with a somewhat common goal. There wasn't even much of a sense of accomplishment after defeating the dungeon. Just seemed like "dungeon 5/10 completed. bye."
Sista will still be around to make the few mats she has for tailoring and an even smaller ability with enchants. Mahakeya is going to get more active, although it will still be a sedentary task. The Fishing Profession is one profession that doesn't require a dungeon or raid. I'd like to get the nice fishing pole and Keya will get it for me. Java is Level 102 and will get time leveling and getting her mining and herbing professions completed. At least I think that gathering professions are exempt from requiring dungeon runs, but she wouldn't be surprised if there are. I hope everyone likes posts about the auction house and and wonders of fishing. There won't be much else.
Pulsefyre stamps her feet, hoping to get noticed. She wants a chance to grow into a warlock. She is level 24.
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